Submission Guidelines

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Chinese Journal of School Health, a publication of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, is a peer-reviewed journal supervised by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China. The journal addresses practice, theory, and research related to school health, as well as child and adolescent health. The basic principles that guide the journal include implementing the policies of the party and the state on school health. As an academic focused journal, it strives to serve the scientific researchers, teaching staff, staff and management personnel in the discipline of child and adolescent health and school health.


ⅠContents and scope of solicitation


This journal publishes original articles regarding child and adolescent health, updating research highlights, implementation of health promotion programs in schools. The columns of this journal include: commentary, invited perspectives reviews, experience exchange in school health, student nutrition, health education and promotion, mental health, growth and development surveillance,  disease control, health supervision, health care for staffs in schools and colleges, school nurse’s corner, and etc.


Ⅱ Manuscript Submission guidelines


a. Writing Requirements


The manuscript should be scientific, practical, reliable and accurate, with rigorous structure, reasonable inference, concise, clear and standardized writing, and should include statistical analysis wherever possible. No more than 6, 000 words for original articles and no more than 4,000 words for epidemiological field investigation and, school health management. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word, and a normal, plain font for text, as well as italics for emphasis should be used.


b. Title of the article


The title should be concise and clear, and properly reflect the main theme of the paper. No more than 22 words and no more than two levels of displayed headings are allowed.


c. Authorship


Name, affiliation, address, and postal code of all the authors should be listed under the title. Multiple affiliations shall be listed in order and identified in the upper right-hand corner of the author's name. An introduction to the first author should be included on the first page (e.g. name, year of birth, gender, native place, academic degree, title and main research areas). All the corresponding authors should be introduced with an e-mail address.


d. Abstract


A structured abstract is required for original articles, which includes objective, method, results, and conclusions. No more than 400 words is required for abstracts which should be written in a third-person point of view. Indicative abstract is required for commentary, invited perspectives, reviews with no more than 200 words. All articles shall be provided with an English abstract, including the title, authors, affiliation, city and postal code. All authors shall be listed. When there are multiple author affiliations, the first affiliation is preferred.  


e. Keywords


Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), the latest edition of the National Library of Medicine, the normative vocabulary listed in “Index Medicus”, edited by the National Library of Medicine, or the topic words in the paper are recommended. Four to eight keywords are preferred, both in Chinese and English. Capitalize the first letter of each word, and separate each one by colon.


f. Medical nomenclature


All the medical terms used in the manuscript should be those approved and published by National Scientific and Technical Terms Review Committee approved and published in 1998. For those not published for the time being, the "English-Chinese Medical Vocabulary" published by People's Medical Publishing House should be referenced.


g. Abbreviation


Use the abbreviations as little as possible. The first time you use an abbreviation in the text, present both the spelled-out version and the short form, separated with colon.  


h. Measurement unit


The units of measurement used in the manuscript shall be the "legal units of measurement of the People's Republic of China" issued by the State Council in February 1984, and the common unit symbol should be used. The name of the unit and the unit symbol should not be mixed. The statement should first list the values of legal units of measurement, with the values of the old units in brackets, e. g. 10 kPa (75 mmHg). If a unit of measurement occurs repeatedly, the conversion coefficient between the statutory unit of measurement and the old unit may be indicated for the first use and only the value of the statutory unit of measurement shall be listed thereafter.


i. Statistical Symbols


Manuscript should be written according to the relevant provisions of GB 3358-82 Statistical Nouns and Symbols.


j. Use of Number


According to the Regulations on the Use of Numbers in Publications, the Gregorian calendar century, day-month-year, hour and count appearing in the article are all in Arabic numerals. When there are more than 3 digits before and after the decimal point, a group of 3 digits shall be made, and 1/4 (Han) word shall be left between the groups. However, the year, instrument model, standard number, page number and troop number are not classified. The percentage sign for the preceding value in the percentage range cannot be omitted, such as 25% - 50%.


k. Figures and Tables


All the figure and table shall be referenced in numerical order (i. e., Table 1, Table 2). Each figure and table shall be labeled with a title, illustrative information shall be placed in the following notes of the figure (table). An English translation should be added below the title. All tables use three-line table, and the decimal point of the data in the table shall be the same. Line drawings should be prepared in black ink on white paper. Images submitted are necessary for visual clarity and contrast. The number, upper and lower directions and the name of the author should be indicated at the bottom of the image.


l. References


Based on Information and Documentation-Rules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources (GB/T 7714—2015), a sequential coding system is adopted by the journal. A citation takes the form of an Arabic number that correlates with a source in your list of references. These numbers may be enclosed in square brackets. The references should be the latest literature read by the authors and cited in the text. The number of reference articles is not limited. Generally, no less than 15 articles for original articles and no less than 40 articles for meta analysis and reviews. The literature cited should be recently published papers, preferably within the last 5 years. The first three authors are required in the references separated with commas, followed by a comma and et al. for the rest of the authors. The name of foreign periodicals is abbreviated and the full name of Chinese periodicals. The reference list is a list of all the sources that have been cited in the manuscript (marked in Arabic numbers). Chinese literatures should be translated into English. References to articles, chapters and symposia contributions should be cited as per the examples below:


[Number] Author. title [J]. journal, year, volume: page number.


[1]陶芳标. 构建面向健康中国2030青少年健康促进体系[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2023, 44(1): 1-5.

TAO F B. Construction systems of adolescent health promotion towards Healthy China 2030[J]. Chin  J Sch  Health, 2023, 44(1): 1-5. (in Chinese)

[2]EKSTROM A, HAKENAS-PLATE L, TULINIUS, et al. Cognition and adaptive skills in hypotonic dystrophy type 1: A study of 55 individuals with congenital and childhood forms[J]. Dev Med Child Neur, 2009, 51(12): 982-990.


[Number] Author. title [M]. volume. edition. publication: publisher, year: page number.



National Health Commission of the PRC. China health statistics yearbook 2022[M].Beijing : Peking Union Medical College Press,2022:247.(in Chinese)

[2]HUGHES M, FRANKS M I, DANCS H .Essentials of performance analysis in sport [M]. 3rd ed. Oxfordshire: Taylor and Francis, 2019:172-183.


[Number]Promulgator.title[EB/OL]publication: publisher, year: page number(update or modify the date)[quote date].access and access paths.


Notice of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on the issuance of the Special Action Plan for Preventing Bullying among Primary and Secondary School Students[EB/OL].(2021-01-21)[2024-08-07]. Chinese)


Ⅲ Submission Process


To submit your paper, please log on to and enter the "Author Submission System". After registration and logging in, submit your paper according to the steps of navigational submission (recommendation). Please attach the supporting documents of the funding,the document of the ethical review and the electronic version of the copyright agreement (the copyright agreement shall be signed and officially sealed by the department of the first author or the corresponding author, mainly proving the scientific nature of this article, the authenticity of the materials and no submission elsewhere). Since the journal is printed in black and white, please mention the color content of the manuscript in appropriate words. Manuscripts in paper copy or submitted through email are not accepted. The author should keep original manuscript.


Ⅳ Review Process


The Editorial Office checks that the paper adheres to the requirements described in the journal’s Author Guidelines, as well as its scope. The editor-in-chief may reject the paper if the text duplication rate exceeds 15% (checked by CNKI for duplicate checking system) at this stage.

The received manuscripts will be preliminarily reviewed after receiving the review fee. The editorial department will reject the manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific or technical defects and lack of valuable information.


This publication peer reviewed manuscripts that passed the preliminary review. Manuscripts will be sent to 2 to 3 independent reviewers. This journal followed the single-blind review process. The comments (acceptance / rejection / amendment) will be conveyed to the first author and the corresponding author through the editorial department. When submitting a revised manuscript, authors are required to submit a numbered "point-by-point" response to all the editor and reviewer. This process will be repeated until the reviewer and the editor in chief are satisfied with the manuscript.


Contributions by the editorial board and editors of the journal must equally comply with all its review and editorial procedures. All reviews of the manuscript are independent of the relevant editorial board, editors and their research group. The editorial board and editor shall not participate in the review work, editing work and recruitment decision of the papers written by them, their family members and colleagues.


Ⅴ Fee Scale 

There are two charging procedures in this process: (1) Manuscript processing fee of 50 yuan  which will be notified by e-mail (50.3 yuan on WeChat official account); (2) Publication fee (about 4000-5000 yuan according to the layout) after recruitment. There are no charges for color illustrations, green channel fees and other additional costs.


Ⅵ Archive Policy

All articles have been archived in paper and digital form since its inception. The print edition of the published publication and the burned CD are archived in the editorial department, and the digitization can be indexed on CNKI. All other relevant materials, such as additional information and forms provided by the authors when submitting the paper, are archived in the journal submission system. The paper published in Chinese Journal of School Health will be permanently stored on the Journal website ( and in a reliable database (CNKI, etc.). Chinese Journal of School Health will never delete any paper from its website. However, if it is necessary to delete for legal reasons, the URL of the deleted paper contains detailed reasons for the deletion, and the paper will be retained in the internal archive of " Chinese Journal of School Health". If the journal closes, Chinese Journal of School Health ensures that the journal documents are archived to a responsible third party so that their content is accessible.

This publication allows authors to store all versions of their articles in an institutional or other knowledge repository. The standard journal publication information must be noted in the article metadata of the stored institution or other knowledge base and used as a recommended reference.

Attached: Explanation of the submitted FAQ


Explanation of the submitted FAQ


a. Before submitting, please read the submission guide carefully and check the published articles in the journal to ensure that the format of the submitted articles meets the requirements of the journal. All does not conform in the format will be rejected.

b. Please use the common email to register for submission. After submission, you can know the dynamics of the manuscript by following the system prompts and email.

c. After successful submission, generally 1~3 working days for receipt processing. Authors can mail the manuscript processing fee after receiving the receipt notice. See the receiving notice for the specific mailing method.

d. As a monthly Journal, the basic review procedures are divided into preliminary review, review, external review, and final review.

Preliminary review: The editor conducts the preliminary review of the purpose of the journal, the research scope and the format of the article, and the processing period is generally 1~2 working days.

Review: Editorial Office internal trial, about 15 working days after the general procedures.

External review: Manuscripts meeting the requirements of the preliminary review move forward to a peer review stage, which takes about 2~3 months.

Final review: The articles that need to be revised after the external review will be returned to the author, and the Editor-in-Chief will make the final review.

e. The Editorial Office will send the employment notice for articles meeting the requirements for review process. The article is generally published 6~10 months after the payment of the layout fee. See the payment method of the layout fee and the mailing situation of the invoice.

f. The articles supported by national or provincial fundings will be given higher priority in paper and digital publication. There is no urgent passage for other articles and no need for additional layout fees. If they need to be published in advance for legitimate reasons, please write a written application and send it to the editorial department, and the magazine will handle them as appropriate.

g. If accepted, the paper is sent to production. Generally, the proofreading manuscript will be sent to the first author's mailbox after 2 to 3 months. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, the editors reserve the right to edit (including reduction). Requests to change the authors' list will be considered only where the authorship change is certified by corresponding institution.

h. The journal is officially released on the 25th day of every month. Generally, the first author of the manuscript will receive 2 free printed journals within 10 working days of the next month, which will be mailed by express delivery.


Address: Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of School Health, 3rd floor, Science Palace at 51th Shengli Middle Road, Bengshan District, Bengbu city, Anhui Province, China.


Postal code: 233000.


Telephone: 0086- 0552 - 2054276. 

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