Prof. TAO Fang-biao, MD, PhD
Doctoral Supervisor, Dean of School of Public Health Management, Anhui Medical University
Director of Key Laboratory of Population Health Across Life Cycle (Anhui Medical University), Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Director of Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Population Health and Aristogenics, Anhui Medical University
Areas of special expertise
Early life effects of environmental exposure on maternal & child health;
Adolescent development and health.
Research Activities & Awards
Prof. Tao leads several studies funded by National Science and Technology Support Plan Key Projects, State High-Tech Development Plan, National High-Technology R&D Program, as well as National Natural Science Foundation of Key Projects. He has established China's Anhui Birth Cohort and National Youth Behavior and Health Monitoring Collaborative Network, and has drafted and revised national health standards or guidelines in four specific areas. He is the chief editor of series higher education national planning textbooks and academic books. Prof. Tao has been awarded "National Advanced Worker", "National Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker" and "Outstanding Contribution Award of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ".
Academic and profesional appointments
Vice Chairman of Child and Adolescent Health Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
Vice Chairman of Public Health Ophthalmology Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Chinese School Health
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine