Copyright Policy

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When the paper eventually accepted by the Chinese Journal of School Health and published, the Corresponding Author and each Co-Author hereby assigns to the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, during the full term of copyright and any extensions or renewals, all copyright in and to the Contribution, and all rights therein, including but not limited to the right to publish; republish; transmit; sell; distribute; and otherwise use the Contribution in whole or in part in electronic and print editions of the Journal and in derivative works throughout the world, in all languages and in all media of expression now known or later developed, and to license or permit others to do so.


In addition, the Corresponding Author and each Co-Author hereby grants to the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, during the full term of copyright and any extensions or renewals, the exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable and fully transferable right to use and exploit the Contribution in any manner, including: the rights to reproduce, to distribute (for example in any book format or any digital format), to exhibit, and to make available to the public.


Reproduction, posting, transmission or other distribution or use of the final Contribution in whole or in part in any medium by the Corresponding Author or any Co-author as permitted by this Agreement requires a citation to the Journal suitable in form and content and must include Title of Article, Author and each Co-author, Journal Title and Volume/Issue.

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The Author represents that: the Contribution is the Author’s and all Coauthor’s original work, all individuals identified as authors actually contributed to the Contribution; the Contribution is submitted only to this Journal and has not been published before, has not been included in another manuscript, and is not currently under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere; the Contribution and any submitted Supporting Information contain no libelous or unlawful statements, do not breach any confidentiality obligation, do not violate a contract or any law, and only utilize data that has been obtained in accordance with applicable legal requirements and Journal policies; the Author and each Co-author have the full power, authority and capability to enter into this Agreement, to grant the rights and license granted herein and to perform all obligations hereunder.


Copyright Transfer Agreement.docx

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