Volume 45 Issue 8
Aug.  2024
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ZHANG Ye, HAN Ting, YAO Hongwen, SUN Liping, ZHAO Minxin, ZHU Lujiao, ZHANG Jingjing, LIAO Yuexia. Analysis of sub-clinical eating disorders and associated factors in college students[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH, 2024, 45(8): 1157-1161. doi: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2024247
Citation: ZHANG Ye, HAN Ting, YAO Hongwen, SUN Liping, ZHAO Minxin, ZHU Lujiao, ZHANG Jingjing, LIAO Yuexia. Analysis of sub-clinical eating disorders and associated factors in college students[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH, 2024, 45(8): 1157-1161. doi: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2024247

Analysis of sub-clinical eating disorders and associated factors in college students

doi: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2024247
  • Received Date: 2024-05-27
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-06-28
  • Available Online: 2024-08-31
  • Publish Date: 2024-08-25
  •   Objective  To investigate the sub-clinical eating disorders among college students and to analyze associated factors, so as to provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders among adolescents.  Methods  From November to December 2023, a total of 5 201 college students were selected by stratified random cluster sampling from one undergraduate college and one specialized college in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Data on general information, sub-clinical eating disorders, body image perception, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and mental health literacy were collected using questionnaires. The Chi-square test was used to compare the detection rates of sub-clinical eating disorders between groups, and binary Logistic regression was employed to analyze associated factors.  Results  The detection rate of sub-clinical eating disorders among college students was 16.0%. Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that the prevalence of sub-clinical eating disorders among college students was higher in the following categories: being in a relationship (OR=1.22, 95%CI=1.04-1.44), being overweight and obese (OR=2.75, 3.82, 95%CI=2.24-3.38, 2.89-5.06), overestimation of body shape (OR=2.04, 95%CI=1.68-2.49), being in a depressive state (OR=2.53, 95%CI=1.99-3.21), experiencing anxiety (OR=2.63, 95%CI=2.16-3.20), and having substandard mental health literacy (OR=1.37, 95%CI=1.11-1.70). Conversely, low body weight (OR=0.15, 95%CI=0.10-0.22) and underestimation of body shape (OR=0.37, 95%CI=0.27-0.51) were associated with a lower risk (P < 0.05).  Conclusions  The detection rate of sub-clinical eating disorders among college students is high, and it is associated with relationship status, body mass index classification, body shape perception, depressive and anxiety symptoms, and mental health literacy. Comprehensive interventions should be implemented to improve the sub-clinical eating disorders and promote the physical and mental health of college students.
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