Research progress on sports interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder
摘要: 孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)儿童患病率的逐年攀升引发了公众对于此类人群健康问题的密切关注,该趋势强调了制定有效治疗方式的必要性。除常规康复治疗外,体育活动对于ASD儿童而言也是行之有效的干预方式。通过系统梳理“体育干预对ASD儿童影响”的相关文献,发现体育干预对ASD儿童的核心症状、运动技能、执行功能以及与以上症状相关的情绪、知觉等功能均有积极作用,可为ASD儿童运动康复研究提供理论支持和新思路。Abstract: The annual increase in the prevalence of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has raised public concern about the health of this population, which in turn underscores the need of developing effective treatments. In addition to routine rehabilitation, physical activity is an effective intervention for children with ASD. Through systematic review of the literature on physical education interventions on children with ASD, this article revealed that such interventions had positive effects on core symptoms, motor skills, executive functioning, emotions, perception and other functions related to these symptoms in children with ASD, which could provide theoretical support and new ideas for sports rehabilitation research aimed at children with ASD.
Key words:
- Autistic disorder /
- Sports /
- Intervention /
- Child
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
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