Epidemiological characteristics of overweight and obesity among primary and secondary school students in Taizhou from 2013 to 2020
目的 分析台州市2013—2020年中小学生超重肥胖流行趋势特征,为超重肥胖防控工作提供支持。 方法 按照分层整群随机抽样的原则,在台州市9个县(市、区)中各随机抽取1所小学、1所初中、1所高中,对在校学生开展连续监测,收集身高、体重等数据计算体质量指数(BMI),采用检出率、定基比、环比、平均增长速度等指标对流行特征进行分析。 结果 2013—2020年,台州市中小学生总体超重率为14.5%(36 592/252 583),肥胖率为11.2%(28 256/252 583),均处于上升趋势,年平均增长率分别为1.9%,5.5%,肥胖率上升速度更快。分性别看,男生肥胖率(13.2%)高于女生(9.0%)(χ2=1 119.57,P < 0.01),年平均增长速度女生高于男生,分别为6.1%,5.2%;男生超重率(17.6%)高于女生(10.9%)(χ2=2 307.35,P < 0.01),年平均增长速度女生快于男生,分别为2.3%,1.7%。分学段看,小学生肥胖率(17.5%)高于初中生(9.7%),均高于高中生(4.9%)(χ2=7 291.33,P < 0.01),年平均增长速度初中生最快,其次是高中生,最后是小学生,分别为6.5%,3.9%,2.6%;小学生超重率(15.8%)高于初中生(15.3%),均高于高中生(12.2%)(χ2=521.06,P < 0.01),年平均增长速度初中生最快,其次是高中生,最后是小学生,分别为2.4%,2.2%,0.6%。 结论 台州市中小学生超重、肥胖检出率偏高且增长迅速,防控形势严峻;防控的重点人群为男生和小学生。预防控制策略应分别针对不同人群采取综合防控措施。 Abstract:Objective To analysis the epidemiological characteristics of overweight and obesity among middle school students in Taizhou from 2013 to 2020, to provide support for prevention and control efforts. Methods Through stratified sampling, one primary school, one junior middle school and one senior high school were randomly selected from nine counties (cities and districts) in Taizhou, and continuous monitoring was conducted in all participants Height, weight and other variables were assessed and body mass index was calculated. The epidemic characteristics were analyzed according to the detection rate, fixed base ratio, sequential growth ratio and average growth rate. Results From 2013 to 2020, the overall overweight rate among primary and middle school students in Taizhou was 14.5%(36 592/252 583), and the obesity rate was 11.2%(28 256/252 583). The rates of overweight and obesity increased, with average annual growth rates of 1.9% and 5.5%, respectively; thus, the rate of obesity increased more rapidly. The obesity rate was higher among boys (13.2%) than girls (9.0%)(χ2=1 119.57, P < 0.01), and the average annual growth rate was higher among girls than boys (6.1%, 5.2%, respectively). The rate of overweight among boys (17.6%) was higher than that among girls (10.9%)(χ2=2 307.35, P < 0.01). The average annual growth rate of overweight in girls was 2.3% and 1.7%, respectively. The obesity rate among primary school students (17.5%) was higher than that among middle school (9.7%) and high school (4.9%) students(χ2=7 291.33, P < 0.01). The average annual growth rate in students in middle school was fastest, followed by those in high and primary schools (6.5%, 3.9% and 2.6%, respectively). The rate of overweight in primary school students (15.8%) was higher than that in middle school students (15.3%), and both were higher than that in high school students(12.2%)(χ2=521.06, P < 0.01). The average annual growth rate was also fastest in students in middle school, followed by high and primary schools (2.4%, 2.2% and 0.6%, respectively). Conclusion The detection rate of overweight and obesity among primary and middle school students in Taizhou is high and increasing rapidly, indicating high pressure on prevention and control. Boys and primary school students are the key target groups for prevention and control. Comprehensive prevention and control strategies should be adopted specifically. -
Key words:
- Overweight /
- Obesity /
- Body mass index /
- Students
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 台州市2013—2020年中小学生超重肥胖检出率及增长趋势
Table 1. Development of overweight and obesity detection rate of primary and middle school students in Taizhou from 2013 to 2020
营养状况 年份 人数 检出人数 定基比/% 环比/% 3MA/% 肥胖 2013 34 826 3 131(9.0) - - - 2014 34 036 3 777(11.1) 23.4 23.4 - 2015 21 922 2 343(10.7) 18.9 -3.7 10.3 2016 29 985 3 413(11.4) 26.6 6.5 11.1 2017 33 391 3 309(9.9) 10.2 -12.9 10.7 2018 32 543 3 475(10.7) 18.8 7.8 10.7 2019 36 041 4 683(13.0) 44.5 21.7 11.2 2020 29 839 4 125(13.8) 53.8 6.4 12.5 超重 2013 34 826 4 641(13.3) - - - 2014 34 036 4 979(14.6) 9.8 9.8 - 2015 21 922 3 280(15.0) 12.3 2.3 14.3 2016 29 985 4 436(14.8) 11.0 -1.1 14.8 2017 33 391 4 615(13.8) 3.7 -6.6 14.5 2018 32 543 4 549(14.0) 4.9 1.1 14.2 2019 36 041 5 477(15.2) 14.0 8.7 14.3 2020 29 839 4 615(15.5) 16.1 1.8 14.9 注: ()内数字为检出率/%。 表 2 台州市2013—2020年不同性别学生超重肥胖检出率及增长趋势
Table 2. Development of overweight and obesity detection rate of students of different genders in Taizhou from 2013 to 2020
营养状况 年份 男生 女生 χ2值 人数 检出人数 定基比/% 环比/% 3MA/% 人数 检出人数 定基比/% 环比/% 3MA/% 肥胖 2013 18 620 2 022(10.9) - - - 16 206 1 109(6.8) - - - 170.81 2014 17 969 2 300(12.8) 17.9 17.9 - 16 067 1 477(9.2) 34.3 34.3 - 111.87 2015 11 814 1 450(12.3) 13.0 -4.1 12.0 10 108 893(8.8) 29.1 -3.9 8.3 67.49 2016 16 181 2 097(13.0) 19.3 5.6 12.7 13 804 1 316(9.5) 39.3 7.9 9.2 86.69 2017 17 590 2 091(11.9) 9.5 -8.3 12.4 15 801 1 218(7.7) 12.6 -19.1 8.7 162.83 2018 17 114 2 179(12.7) 17.2 7.1 12.5 15 429 1 296(8.4) 22.7 9.0 8.5 159.68 2019 19 182 2 941(15.3) 41.2 20.4 13.3 16 859 1 742(10.3) 51.0 23.0 8.8 198.37 2020 15 913 2 598(16.3) 50.3 6.5 14.8 13 926 1 527(11.0) 60.2 6.1 9.9 179.18 超重 2013 18 620 3 088(16.6) - - - 16 206 1 533(9.6) - - - 367.73 2014 17 969 3 236(18.0) 8.6 8.6 - 16 067 1 743(10.8) 13.2 13.2 - 348.25 2015 11 814 2 175(18.4) 11.0 2.2 17.7 10 108 1 105(10.9) 14.1 0.8 10.5 239.44 2016 16 181 2 888(17.8) 7.6 -3.1 18.1 13 804 1 548(11.2) 17.0 2.6 11.0 260.07 2017 17 590 2 971(16.9) 1.8 -5.4 17.7 15 801 1 644(10.4) 8.6 -7.2 10.9 293.98 2018 17 114 2 882(16.8) 1.5 -0.3 17.2 15 429 1 667(10.8) 12.7 3.8 10.8 245.82 2019 19 182 3 455(18.0) 8.6 7.0 17.2 16 859 2 022(12.0) 25.2 11.0 11.1 252.17 2020 15 913 3 013(18.9) 14.2 5.1 17.9 13 926 1 602(11.5) 20.0 -4.1 11.4 313.63 注: ()内数字为检出率/%;P值均 < 0.01。 表 3 台州市2013—2020年不同学段学生超重肥胖检出率及增长趋势
Table 3. Development of overweight and obesity detection rate of students in different sections of Taizhou City from 2013 to 2020
营养状况 年份 小学生 初中生 高中生 χ2值 人数 检出
/%人数 检出
/%人数 检出
/%肥胖 2013 10 181 1 693(16.6) - - - 11 164 842(7.5) - - - 13 481 596(4.4) - - - 1 098.65 2014 12 866 2 329(18.1) 8.9 8.9 - 10 564 917(8.7) 15.1 15.1 - 10 606 531(5.0) 13.2 13.2 - 1 101.23 2015 8 779 1 418(16.2) -2.9 -10.8 17.0 6 774 592(8.7) 15.9 0.7 8.3 6 369 333(5.2) 18.3 4.4 4.9 500.42 2016 12 299 2 157(17.5) 5.5 8.6 17.3 8 954 845(9.4) 25.1 8.0 9.0 8 732 411(4.7) 6.5 -10.0 5.0 881.39 2017 12 572 1 987(15.8) -5.0 -9.9 16.5 9 196 864(9.4) 24.6 -0.4 9.2 11 623 458(3.9) -10.9 -16.3 4.6 956.01 2018 12 299 2 055(16.7) 0.5 5.7 16.7 9 353 916(9.8) 29.9 4.2 9.5 10 891 504(4.6) 4.7 17.4 4.4 894.64 2019 15 479 2 797(18.1) 8.7 8.1 16.9 10 877 1 304(12.0) 59.0 22.4 10.44 9 685 582(6.0) 35.9 29.9 4.9 780.40 2020 12 706 2 602(20.5) 23.1 13.3 18.4 7 633 951(12.5) 65.2 3.9 11.4 9 500 572(6.0) 36.2 0.2 5.6 969.77 超重 2013 10 181 1 575(15.5) - - - 11 164 1 524(13.7) - - - 13 481 1 542(11.4) - - - 83.13 2014 12 866 2 185(17.0) 9.8 9.8 - 10 564 1 536(14.5) 6.5 6.5 - 10 606 1 258(11.9) 3.7 3.7 - 122.20 2015 8 779 1 460(16.6) 7.5 -2.1 16.4 6 774 1 041(15.4) 12.6 5.7 14.5 6 369 779(12.2) 6.9 3.1 11.8 57.42 2016 12 299 1 967(16.0) 3.4 -3.8 16.5 8 954 1 416(15.8) 15.8 2.9 15.2 8 732 1 053(12.1) 5.4 -1.4 12.1 73.24 2017 12 572 1 888(15.0) -2.9 -6.1 15.9 9 196 1 393(15.1) 11.0 -4.2 15.4 11 623 1 334(11.5) 0.3 -4.8 11.9 82.31 2018 12 299 1 805(14.7) -5.1 -2.3 15.2 9 353 1 462(15.6) 14.5 3.2 15.5 10 891 1 282(11.8) 2.9 2.6 11.8 70.36 2019 15 479 2 417(15.6) 0.9 6.4 15.1 10 877 1 746(16.1) 17.6 2.7 15.6 9 685 1 314(13.6) 18.6 15.3 12.3 28.23 2020 12 706 2 064(16.2) 5.0 4.0 15.5 7 633 1 261(16.5) 21.0 2.9 16.1 9 500 1 290(13.6) 18.7 0.1 13.0 38.25 注: ()内数字为检出率/%;P值均 < 0.01。 -
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