Relationship between emotional behavior and literacy of primary school students
目的 了解小学生情绪行为状况与识字量的关联,为提升小学生的识字量提供参考。 方法 采用随机整群抽样法,抽取新疆某地区3所小学的3 710名二、三年级学生,使用小学生识字量评价量表、长处与困难量表进行问卷调查。 结果 二、三年级学生的平均识字量(947.85±335.93,1 519.45±509.88)均低于上海市识字量常模(1 414,2 135个),差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为-62.15,-49.84,P值均 < 0.01)。小学生情绪行为各因子异常检出率依次为同伴交往问题(12.40%)、亲社会行为(12.02%)、多动(11.59%)、品行问题(10.49%)、情绪问题(5.88%)。小学生情绪症状(r=-0.19)、品行问题(r=-0.29)、多动-注意缺陷(r=-0.27)、同伴交往问题(r=-0.24)与识字量均呈负相关(P值均 < 0.01)。多重线性回归分析表明,同伴交往问题(β=-24.45)、多动-注意缺陷(β=-42.04)、品行问题(β=-50.73)对识字量有负向预测作用(R2=0.12)(P值均 < 0.01)。 结论 同伴交往问题、多动、品行问题与小学生的识字量相关。在教学过程中教师应结合学生的心理特征,采用集中识字与随文识字相结合的教学策略,注重识字能力的培养。 Abstract:Objective To understand the relationship between emotional behavior and literacy of primary school students, and to provide evidence for improving the literacy of primary school students. Methods A total of 3 710 students in grade 2 to 3 from three schools in Xinjiang were selected by random cluster sampling method, and were investigated with the Literacy Scale for Primary School Students and the Strengths and Difficulties Scale. Results The average literacy of the second and third grade students(947.85±335.93, 1 519.45±509.88) were lower than the Shanghai literacy norm(1 414, 2 135), and the differences were statistically significant (t =-62.15, -49.84, P < 0.01). The abnormal detection rates of emotional behavior were peer communication problems (12.40%), prosocial behavior (12.02%), hyperactivity (11.59%), conduct problems (10.49%) and emotional problems (5.88%). Emotional symptoms (r=-0.19), conduct problems (r=-0.29), hyperactivity attention deficit (r=-0.27), peer communication problems(r=-0.24) were negatively correlated with literacy scores(P < 0.01). Regression analysis showed that peer interaction problems (β=-24.45), hyperactivity problems (β=-42.04) and conduct problems (β=-50.73) had negative predictive effects on literacy (R2=0.12)(P < 0.01). Conclusion Peer interaction problems, hyperactivity problems and conduct problems are moderately related to the literacy of primary school students.In the process of teaching, teachers should combine the psychological characteristics of students, adopt the teaching strategy of combining centralized literacy with written literacy, pay attention to the cultivation of literacy ability. -
Key words:
- Emotions /
- Mental health /
- Language /
- Learning /
- Regression analysis /
- Students
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 不同性别小学生情绪行为问题分布
Table 1. Distribution of emotional and behavioral problems in primary school students of different genders
情绪行为问题 性别 人数 正常 边缘 异常 χ2值 P值 情绪状况 男 1 948 1 662(85.32) 167(8.57) 119(6.11) 1.24 0.54 女 1 762 1 496(84.90) 167(9.48) 99(5.62) 品行问题 男 1 948 1 427(73.25) 281(14.43) 240(12.32) 15.62 < 0.01 女 1 762 1 367(77.58) 246(13.96) 149(8.46) 多动-注意缺陷 男 1 948 1 460(74.95) 232(11.91) 256(13.14) 10.99 < 0.01 女 1 762 1 392(79.00) 196(11.12) 174(9.88) 同伴交往问题 男 1 948 1 226(62.94) 417(21.41) 305(15.66) 44.41 < 0.01 女 1 762 1 249(70.88) 358(20.32) 155(8.80) 亲社会行为 男 1 948 1 390(71.35) 282(14.48) 276(14.17) 19.19 < 0.01 女 1 762 1 347(76.45) 245(13.90) 170(9.65) 注:()内数字为构成比/%。 表 2 小学生识字量多重线性回归分析(n=3 710)
Table 2. Multiple linear regression with primary school students' literacy(n=3 710)
常量与自变量 模型1 模型2 β值(β值95%CI) △R2值 t值 P值 β值(β值95%CI) △R2值 t值 P值 常量 -73.91(-174.05~26.21) -1.45 0.15 1 605.87(1 568.43~1 643.31) 84.09 < 0.01 同伴交往问题 -16.87(-24.28~-9.45) 0.01 -4.46 < 0.01 -24.45(-33.02~-15.88) 0.01 -5.59 < 0.01 多动-注意缺陷 -17.47(-24.29~-10.64) 0.01 -5.02 < 0.01 -42.04(-49.80~-34.29) 0.03 -10.63 < 0.01 品行问题 -14.99(-23.53~-6.45) 0.01 -3.44 < 0.01 -50.73(-60.35~-41.12) 0.08 -10.34 < 0.01 年级 513.85(484.79~542.92) 0.31 34.66 < 0.01 性别 127.50(100.75~154.25) 0.02 9.35 < 0.01 -
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