Relationship between 20 m shuttle run test performance and lifestyle behaviors of junior high school students
目的 探究中学生生活行为方式与20 m往返跑(20 m SRT)成绩的关联,为改善中学生不良生活行为方式提供参考。 方法 采用分层整群抽样法,在2021年4—6月对江西上饶市玉山、婺源、横峰、余干4个县2 397名12~17岁中学生进行问卷调查和20 m SRT测试,采用χ2检验比较不同人口学特征、生活行为方式中学生20 m SRT成绩合格率差异,运用Logistic回归分析生活行为方式与20 m SRT成绩的关联强度。 结果 中学生20 m SRT合格率为83.3%,不同性别、年级、户籍、就读类型、父亲文化程度中学生20 m SRT合格率差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为25.26,25.04,6.99,7.96,16.22,P值均<0.05);近7 d是否有剧烈、是否有适度体力活动和不同早餐行为中学生20 m SRT成绩合格率差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为6.78,6.29,9.13,P值<0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,在控制相关混杂因素后,“近7 d无剧烈体力活动”与20 m SRT不合格呈正相关(OR=1.31,95%CI=1.03~1.67,P<0.05);“经常不吃早餐行为”与20 m SRT不合格呈正相关(OR=1.37,95%CI=1.09~1.73,P<0.01)。 结论 剧烈体力活动和高频早餐消费行为与中学生20 m SRT不合格呈负相关,学校应倡导学生养成积极锻炼和规律进食早餐的习惯,保障其心肺耐力水平健康发展。 Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between junior high school students' lifestyles and 20 m shuttle run test (20 m SRT) performance, so as to provide a theoretical basis for promoting a healthy lifestyle among junior high school students. Methods From April to June 2021, a total of 2 397 junior high school students aged 12-17 years in Yushan, Wuyuan, Hengfeng and Yugan counties of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province were selected by random cluster stratified sampling. A questionnaire survey and 20 m SRT test were conducted. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the association between lifestyles and 20 m SRT scores. Results The passing rate of 20 m SRT for middle school students was 83.3%. Chi-square test results showed that there were statistically significant differences between gender, grade, household registration, type of schooling, father's education and the 20 m SRT scores of junior high school students (χ2=25.26, 25.04, 6.99, 7.96, 16.22, P < 0.05). Significant differences were found in 20 m SRT scores between vigorous and moderate physical activity and breakfast behavior in the last seven days (χ2=6.78, 6.29, 9.13, P < 0.05). The results of Logistic regression analysis showed that after controlling for confounding factors, "no vigorous physical activity in the last seven days" was positively correlated with the lower performance of 20 m SRT (OR=1.31, 95%CI=1.03-1.67, P < 0.05). "Breakfast skipping" was positively correlated with 20 m SRT lower performance (frequent eating, OR=1.37, 95%CI=1.09-1.73, P < 0.01). Conclusion Vigorous physical activity and regular breakfast consumption behavior are associated with higher performance 20 m SRT of junior high school students. Schools should encourage students to develop a habit of actively exercising and consuming breakfast regularly in order to ensure the healthy development of cardiopulmonary endurance levels. -
Key words:
- Running /
- Underachievement /
- Eligibility determination /
- Behavior /
- Regression analysis /
- Students
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 不同人口统计学特征中学生20 m SRT合格率比较
Table 1. Comparison of the pass rate of 20 m SRT among junior high school students with different demographic characteristics
人口统计学指标 选项 人数 合格人数 χ2值 P值 性别 男 1 163 948(81.5) 5.26 0.02 女 1 234 1 049(85.0) 年级 初一 336 271(80.7) 25.04 < 0.01 初二 367 309(84.2) 初三 461 397(86.1) 高一 424 328(77.4) 高二 444 366(82.4) 高三 365 326(89.3) 户籍所在地 城镇 488 426(87.3) 6.99 0.01 农村 1 909 1 571(82.3) 就读类型 寄宿 975 787(80.7) 7.96 0.01 走读 1 422 1 210(85.1) 父亲文化程度 小学及以下 516 429(83.1) 16.22 < 0.01 初中 1 321 1 072(81.2) 高中/中专 448 394(87.9) 大学或以上 112 102(91.1) 母亲文化程度 小学及以下 923 768(83.2) 6.61 0.09 初中 1 127 928(82.3) 高中/中专 282 240(85.1) 大学或以上 65 61(93.8) 家庭经济状况 差 65 49(75.4) 3.74 0.15 中 2 116 1 772(83.7) 好 216 176(81.5) 是否留守 是 1 205 986(81.8) 3.85 0.05 否 1 192 1 011(84.8) 注:()内数字为合格率/%。 表 2 不同生活行为方式中学生20 m SRT合格率比较
Table 2. Comparison of the pass rate of 20 m SRT of junior high school students with different lifestyles
组别 选项 人数 合格人数 χ2值 P值 吸烟 是 58 47(81.0) 0.22 0.64 否 2 339 1 950(83.4) 饮酒 是 270 223(82.6) 0.11 0.74 否 2 127 1 774(83.4) 有剧烈体力 是 1 131 966(85.4) 6.78 0.01 活动 否 1 266 1 031(81.4) 有适度体力 是 1 429 1 213(84.9) 6.29 0.01 活动 否 968 784(81.0) 有久坐行为 是 1 481 1 249(84.3) 2.91 0.09 否 916 748(81.7) 每天睡眠时 ≤6 479 396(82.7) 4.33 0.23 间/h >6~8 1 546 1 303(84.3) >8~10 329 265(80.5) >10 43 33(76.7) 早餐行为 基本每天都吃 1 694 1 436(84.8) 9.13 0.01 经常不吃 662 527(79.6) 不吃或偶尔吃 41 34(82.9) 注:()内数字为合格率/%。 表 3 中学生生活行为方式与20 m SRT成绩的Logistic回归分析(n=2 397)
Table 3. Logistic regression analysis of lifestyle and the performance of 20 m SRT in junior high school students(n=2 397)
自变量 选项 β值 标准误 Wald χ2值 P值 OR值(OR值95%CI) 是否有剧烈体力活动 否 0.27 0.12 4.85 0.01 1.31(1.03~1.67) 是否有适度体力活动 否 0.19 0.12 2.43 0.12 1.21(0.95~1.54) 早餐行为c 经常不吃 0.32 0.12 6.98 0.01 1.37(1.09~1.73) 不吃或偶尔吃 0.03 0.43 0.01 0.95 1.03(0.45~2.37) 注:是否有剧烈体力活动控制性别、年级、户籍所在地、就读类型、父亲文化程度、是否有适度体力活动、早餐行为变量;是否有适度体力活动控制性别、年级、户籍所在地、就读类型、父亲文化程度、是否有剧烈体力活动、早餐行为变量;早餐行为控制性别、年级、户籍所在地、就读类型、父亲文化程度、是否有剧烈体力活动、是否有适度体力活动变量。是否有剧烈体力活动、是否有适度体力活动、早餐行为分别以是、是、基本每天都吃为参照组。 -
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