Systematic review of sexuality education intervention in the 21st century
摘要: 本文从中国知网、Web of Science等中英文数据库中系统收集了2000—2019年以来发表的中国性教育干预研究文献82篇,从干预方式、干预内容和干预效果对相关文献进行系统综述。从干预方式与内容来看,全面性教育在中国还没有得到广泛开展,学校性教育最为关注青少年群体,内容以青春期、生殖健康和预防艾滋病为主,大多数干预内容单一,缺乏全面性、系统性和社会性别视角。从干预效果来看,性教育干预对于儿童青少年性与生殖健康知识的改变最为有效,态度改变较为明显,行为改善结果不甚理想。本文为应如何开展更加科学系统的性教育干预研究指明了方向。Abstract: This study carried out a systematic review of research on sexuality education interventions in China by using CNKI, Web of Science, and other Chinese and English databases.A total of 82 articles and reports were included for analysis. With regard to the intervention modes and content, this systematic review found that comprehensive sexuality education has not been fully implemented in China, and school-based sex education primarily focuses on adolescents. The content of sex education mainly included puberty, abstinence, and HIV/STI prevention. In terms of intervention effectiveness, the results showed that sexuality education intervention is more effective in enhancing an awareness of sexuality issues and in changing the attitudes of children and adolescents, while it is less effective in sexual behavioral changes. Several suggestions are provided for sexuality education and future intervention.
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