Impact of intergenerational care on child physical health in China
目的 分析隔代照顾对儿童生理健康的影响,为促进儿童健康全面发展提供参考。 方法 基于中国家庭追踪调查2016年的全国数据,利用描述性统计、Mann-Whitney U检验、Kruskal-Wallis H检验以及OLS回归分析探索4 226名0~14岁儿童健康状况与隔代照顾的关系。 结果 OLS回归分析表明,隔代照顾对学龄前儿童健康影响有统计学意义(t=-2.11, P=0.04),对学龄期儿童的健康影响无统计学意义(t=-0.58, P=0.56)。家庭年收入、家庭人口规模、照顾者年龄、照顾者性别均对学龄前儿童健康状况影响均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05),照顾者自评健康以及儿童是否参加医保对所有儿童健康状况影响均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。 结论 隔代照顾对学龄前儿童健康状况有显著影响,但对学龄期儿童健康状况无影响。应关注照顾者健康水平、医疗保障水平以及体育锻炼对儿童健康的影响,提高儿童照顾者的健康素养,重视儿童的医疗保障福利水平。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the impact of intergenerational care on child physical health, so as to provide references for promoting the overall development of children's health. Methods Based on the 2016 national data of the Chinese Family Tracking Survey, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test and OLS regression analysis were used to explore the relationship between health status of 4 226 children aged 0-14 and intergenerational care. Results OLS regression analysis showed that intergenerational care had a significant impact on physical health of preschool children (t=-2.11, P=0.04), but had no significant impact on the health of school-age children (t=-0.58, P=0.56). Annual family income, family population size, age and gender of caregivers had a significant impact on the health of preschool children (P < 0.05).The self-rated health of caregivers and whether children participated in medical insurance had a significant impact on the health of all children (P < 0.01). Conclusion Intergenerational care has a significant impact on the health status of preschool children, but has no impact on the health status of school age children. Attention should be paid to the health of caregivers, medical insurance condition and the impact of physical exercise on children's health, as well as the health literacy improvement of child caregivers, and children's medical insurance and welfare. -
Key words:
- Child rearing /
- Health status /
- Regression analysis /
- Health education /
- Child
表 1 不同人口统计学特征儿童健康状况比较
Table 1. Comparison of children's health status with different demographic statistics
人口统计学指标 选项 人数 患病次数 Z/χ2值 P值 居住地 城镇 1 552 0.38 -0.40 0.69 乡村 2 674 0.41 儿童性别 男 2 289 0.43 -2.46 0.01 女 1 937 0.37 完全隔代照顾 是 2 442 0.44 -2.13 0.03 否 1 784 0.28 照顾者性别 男 1 333 0.45 -2.01 0.04 女 2 893 0.38 儿童是否参加 是 3 724 0.38 -6.40 0.00 医保 否 502 0.57 照顾者受教育 文盲/半文盲 1 983 0.42 10.26 0.17 程度 小学 818 0.39 初中 886 0.36 高中 377 0.45 大专 113 0.40 本科 43 0.26 硕士 6 0.50 照顾者自评健 不健康 836 0.51 60.53 0.00 康状况 一般 923 0.52 比较健康 1 367 0.35 很健康 709 0.30 非常健康 391 0.24 表 2 隔代照顾对儿童健康状况影响的OLS回归分析(n=4 226)
Table 2. Impact of intergenerational care on children's health based on OLS regression analysis (n=4 226)
模型 变量 β值 标准误 B值 t值 P值 1 常量 0.44 0.02 28.17 0.00 隔代照顾 -0.09 0.02 -0.06 -3.62 0.00 2 常量 1.06 0.16 6.80 0.00 隔代照顾 -0.15 0.06 -0.10 -2.38 0.02 家庭年收入 -0.04 0.02 -0.03 -1.92 0.06 家庭人口规模 0.02 0.01 0.05 3.07 0.00 照顾者年龄 -0.01 0.00 -0.10 -2.55 0.01 照顾者性别 -0.06 0.03 -0.04 -2.16 0.03 照顾者自评健康 -0.08 0.01 -0.13 -7.91 0.00 儿童性别 -0.07 0.02 -0.05 -2.94 0.00 儿童是否参加医保 0.20 0.04 0.08 5.42 0.00 儿童1周锻炼次数 -0.02 0.01 -0.05 -3.22 0.00 3 常量 1.24 0.16 7.95 0.00 隔代照顾 -0.09 0.06 -0.06 -1.40 0.16 家庭年收入 -0.05 0.02 -0.04 -2.44 0.02 家庭人口规模 0.01 0.01 0.03 1.77 0.08 照顾者年龄 0.00 0.00 -0.05 -1.34 0.18 照顾者性别 -0.06 0.03 -0.04 -2.19 0.03 照顾者自评健康 -0.08 0.01 -0.13 -8.25 0.00 儿童性别 -0.06 0.02 -0.04 -2.65 0.01 儿童是否参加医保 0.16 0.04 0.07 4.30 0.00 儿童1周锻炼次数 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.30 0.76 儿童年龄 -0.03 0.00 -0.16 -9.63 0.00 表 3 隔代照顾对不同年龄段儿童健康状况影响的OLS回归分析
Table 3. Impact of intergenerational care on the health of children of different ages based on OLS regression analysis
模型 变量 0~7岁(n=2 095) 8~14岁(n=2 131) β值 t值 P值 β值 t值 P值 1 常量 0.56 22.53 0.00 0.32 17.53 0.00 隔代照顾 -0.12 -3.28 0.00 -0.06 -2.17 0.03 2 常量 1.69 6.83 0.00 0.40 1.90 0.06 隔代照顾 -0.22 -2.11 0.04 -0.05 -0.58 0.56 居住地 -0.08 -2.03 0.04 0.07 2.09 0.04 家庭年收入 -0.08 -2.58 0.01 0.00 -0.15 0.88 家庭人口规模 0.02 2.27 0.02 0.01 0.61 0.54 照顾者年龄 -0.01 -2.40 0.02 0.00 -0.10 0.92 照顾者性别 -0.11 -2.36 0.02 0.00 0.09 0.93 照顾者学历 0.00 -0.49 0.62 0.00 0.95 0.34 照顾者自评健康 -0.12 -7.25 0.00 -0.05 -3.82 0.00 儿童性别 -0.07 -1.86 0.06 -0.06 -1.96 0.05 儿童是否参加医保 0.18 3.41 0.00 0.16 3.27 0.00 儿童1周锻炼次数 -0.03 -1.75 0.08 0.00 0.11 0.92 -
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