Research in physical exercise among rural adolescents based on the theory of planned behavior in Sichuan Province
目的 验证计划行为理论(theory of planned behavior, TPB)在四川省农村青少年体育锻炼行为中的适用性,探索影响青少年体育锻炼行为的可能因素,为进一步采取有效的干预措施提供理论依据。 方法 以四川省资中县2所乡镇中学的2 302名初一、高一学生为研究对象,采用结构式调查问卷进行调查,以计划行为理论为框架构建结构方程模型进行分析。 结果 体育锻炼缺乏者1 527人,占比66.3%。不同学校、年级、性别学生体育锻炼行为得分差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为-7.40,-2.90,10.90,P值均<0.05)。依据TPB建立模型并修正后得到修正的结构方程模型GFI=0.93,CFI=0.94,NFI=0.94,TLI=0.93,IFI=0.94,RMSEA=0.07,模型拟合结果较好。锻炼意图直接影响锻炼行为,标准化效应为0.45(95%CI=0.39~0.52),主观规范与洞察力是价值评价影响锻炼意图途径中的主要中介变量,其标准化效应值分别为0.66(95%CI=0.57~0.73)、0.23(95%CI=0.16~0.93)(P值均<0.01)。 结论 四川省农村青少年严重缺乏体育锻炼。计划行为理论在四川农村青少年学生群体具备较好的适用性。主观规范是促进农村青少年形成锻炼意图的主要因素。 Abstract:Objective To verify the applicability of the theory of planned behavior(TPB) in the physical exercise behaviors of rural adolescents in Sichuan Province, and to explore the possible influencing factors of physical exercise behaviors, and to provide a theoretical basis for further effective intervention measures. Methods A total of 2 302 students were selected from grade seven and grade ten of two rural middle schools in Zizhong, Sichuan Province. The survey was conducted with a structured questionnaire. Using TPB as the research framework and basis, the structural equation model was constructed for analysis. Results Lack of physical exercise was 1 527(66.3%).Physical exercise behavior was statistically different among schools, grades(t=-7.40, -2.90, 10.90, P < 0.05), and genders. Based on TPB, the structural equation model was established and corrected to obtain the revised model, and the fitting index GFI=0.93, CFI=0.94, NFI=0.94, TLI=0.93, IFI=0.94, RMSEA=0.07, indicating the model fitted good. Exercise intention directly affected exercise behaviors. The standardized effect was 0.45(95%CI=0.39-0.52). Subjective norms and perceived power were the main two mediators of the relationship between value evaluation and exercise intention. The standardized effect values were 0.66(95%CI=0.57-0.73), 0.23(95%CI=0.16-0.93)(P < 0.01). Conclusion There is serious lack of physical exercise in rural adolescents in Sichuan Province. TPB has a good applicability for physical exercise in rural adolescents in Sichuan Province. Subjective norm is the most important factors to promote exercise intentions. -
Key words:
- Exercise movement techniques /
- Health promotion /
- Models, theoretical /
- Adolescent /
- Rural population
表 1 不同人口统计学特征中学生计划行为理论各变量得分比较
Table 1. Comparison of scores of variables in the theory of planned behavior among in middle school students with different demographic characteristics
人口统计学指标 人数 统计值 锻炼行为 锻炼意图 主观规范 价值评价 控制力信念 洞察力 知觉行为控制 学校 A校 832 3.98±0.95 13.28±3.05 12.51±3.16 12.94±2.74 11.03±3.67 11.05±3.45 4.37±1.28 B校 1 470 4.31±1.15 13.38±3.35 12.53±3.49 12.92±3.12 11.59±3.93 10.84±3.65 4.24±1.20 t值 -7.40 -0.75 -0.15 0.18 -3.41 1.38 2.65 P值 < 0.01 0.45 0.88 0.86 < 0.01 0.18 < 0.01 性别 男 1 085 4.45±1.08 13.52±3.46 12.57±3.57 13.09±3.26 11.34±3.98 11.47±3.71 4.40±1.29 女 1 217 3.96±1.06 13.19±3.04 12.48±3.19 12.79±2.71 11.42±3.72 10.42±3.39 4.25±1.22 t值 10.90 2.39 0.65 2.38 -0.50 7.02 2.72 P值 < 0.01 0.02 0.52 0.02 0.62 < 0.01 < 0.01 年级 高一 1 797 4.16±1.10 13.32±3.14 12.44±3.27 12.98±2.87 11.46±3.77 10.71±3.42 4.32±1.22 初一 505 4.32±1.06 13.42±3.61 12.84±3.71 12.74±3.37 11.13±4.14 11.63±4.02 4.33±1.39 t值 -2.90 -0.56 -2.23 1.46 1.62 -4.68 -0.21 P值 < 0.01 0.58 0.03 0.15 0.11 < 0.01 0.83 表 2 中学生计划行为理论各维度相关性分析(r值,n=2 302)
Table 2. Correlation analysis of various dimensions of middle school students theory of planned behavior(r, n=2 302)
变量 锻炼行为 锻炼意图 主观规范 价值评价 控制力信念 洞察力 锻炼意图 0.28** 主观规范 0.17** 0.59** 价值评价 0.21** 0.69** 0.65* 控制力信念 0.08** 0.15** 0.11** 0.13** 洞察力 0.32** 0.50** 0.39** 0.43** -0.05* 知觉行为控制 0.13** 0.43** 0.32** 0.40** 0.04 0.39** 注:*P<0.05,**P<0.01。 表 3 中学生计划行为理论各路径系数及置信区间(n=2 302)
Table 3. Path coefficients and confidence intervals of middle school students' theory of planned behavior(n=2 302)
因变量 自变量 非标准化回归系数(95%CI) P值 标准化回归系数(95%CI) 洞察力 价值评价 0.63(0.56~0.70) <0.01 0.52(0.47~0.56) 主观规范 价值评价 0.94(0.88~1.02) <0.01 0.94(0.88~0.98) 控制力信念 价值评价 0.15(0.08~0.23) <0.01 0.13(0.07~0.19) 知觉行为控制 价值评价 0.46(0.37~0.55) <0.01 0.45(0.39~0.50) 控制力信念 0.01(-0.04~0.06) 0.57 0.01(0.04~0.05) 洞察力 0.29(0.22~0.36) <0.01 0.24(0.19~0.30) 意图 主观规范 0.67(0.55~0.78) <0.01 0.66(0.57~0.73) 洞察力 0.18(0.12~0.23) <0.01 0.23(0.16~0.93) 控制力信念 0.08(0.05~0.11) <0.01 0.09(0.06~0.30) 知觉行为控制 0.06(0.03~0.10) <0.01 0.09(0.04~0.14) 锻炼行为 意图 0.27(0.23~0.32) <0.01 0.45(0.39~0.52) 表 4 中学生体育锻炼行为中介效应路径系数(修正模型)(n=2 302)
Table 4. Path coefficient of middle school students' physical exercise behavior intermediary effect (modified model)(n=2 302)
路径 标准化点估计 BC法95%CI 价值评价→主观规范、洞察力、知觉行为控制、控制力信念、锻炼意图→体育锻炼 0.36 0.29~0.41 价值评价→洞察力→知觉行为控制 0.13 0.10~0.16 价值评价→主观规范、洞察力、知觉行为控制、控制力信念→锻炼意图 0.77 0.70~0.83 洞察力→知觉行为控制→锻炼意图 0.02 0.01~0.04 洞察力→知觉行为控制、锻炼意图→体育锻炼 0.10 0.07~0.15 控制力信念→知觉行为控制→锻炼意图 0.00 -0.00~0.01 控制力信念→锻炼意图→体育锻炼 0.04 0.03~0.06 知觉行为控制→锻炼意图→体育锻炼 0.04 0.02~0.07 主观规范→锻炼意图→体育锻炼 0.29 0.25~0.35 -
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