Correlation between dietary behavior and mental sub-health among Chinese adolescents
目的 了解中国青少年心理亚健康与饮食行为的相关性,为改善青少年心理亚健康提供科学依据。 方法 2015—2017年在中国六大行政区采用分层随机整群抽样方法抽取16 545名13~22岁青少年,采用青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(Multidimensional Sub-health Questionnaire of Adolescents, MSQA)的心理问卷进行心理亚健康测试,同时进行饮食行为调查。 结果 男生在早餐、零食、碳酸饮料、蔬菜、鱼肉以及乳制品方面“基本都吃/喝”的比例分别为76.2%,20.2%,19.0%,78.4%,52.4%,59.2%,女生分别为79.2%,28.6%,12.6%,78.3%,43.2%,54.9%,除“蔬菜”选项外,其他各项在性别间分布差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为20.79,320.10,229.06,150.27,32.21,P值均 < 0.01)。心理亚健康方面,男生心理亚健康状态、品行亚健康和社会适应亚健康检出率分别为20.7%,26.0%,17.2%,女生分别为18.6%,24.1%,14.8%,差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为17.32,7.66,17.46,P值均 < 0.01)。控制年龄和性别后,多因素Logistic回归分析显示,早餐“基本都吃”和“偶尔吃”、蔬菜“基本都吃”和“偶尔吃”、鱼肉“基本都吃”和“偶尔吃”、牛奶、乳制品“基本都喝”和“偶尔喝”与心理亚健康状态的发生均呈负相关(OR值分别为0.60,0.73;0.50,0.65;0.74,0.77;0.73,0.69,P值均 < 0.05)。 结论 健康的饮食行为是避免青少年产生心理亚健康的保护因素。建议学校针对家长及学生定期开展膳食营养讲座及发放膳食营养指导手册,学校食堂配备公共营养师指导日常配餐等。 Abstract:Objective To determine the relationship between mental sub-health and dietary behavior among Chinese adolescents, and to provide a scientific basis for improving adolescent mental sub-health through healthy dietary behavior. Methods A total of 16 545 adolescents aged 13 to 22 years were sampled by random cluster sampling method in six administrative regions of China. A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate adolescents' dietary behaviors and mental sub-health status. Results The proportion of boys consuming breakfast, snacks, carbonated drinks, vegetables, fish and dairy products was 76.2%, 20.2%, 19.0%, 78.4%, 52.4% and 59.2%, respectively, while the proportion of girls was 79.2%, 28.6%, 12.6%, 78.3%, 43.2% and 54.9%, respectively. Except for the "vegetable" option, dietary behaviors showed significant sex differences(χ2=20.79, 320.10, 229.06, 150.27, 32.21, P < 0.01). In terms of mental sub-health, the detection rates of male adolescents' mental sub-health status, behavioral sub-health and social sub-health were 20.7%, 26.0% and 17.2%, respectively, while those of female adolescents were 18.6%, 24.1% and 14.8%, respectively. The differences between boys and girls were statistically significant (χ2=17.32, 7.66, 17.46, P < 0.01). Controlling for age and gender, breakfast "normally eating" and "occasionally eat", vegetables "normally eating" and "occasionally eat", fish "normally eating" and "occasionally eat", milk, dairy products "normally drink" and "occasional drink", was negatively associated with teenagers' psychological sub-health (OR=0.60, 0.73;0.50, 0.65;0.74, 0.77;0.73, 0.69, P < 0.05). Conclusion Healthy dietary behavior could be protective to avoid adolescent mental sub-health.Nutritional lectures and guideline books are needed among students and their parents.Nutritionists are encouraged to provide healthy nutritional advice to school canteen. -
Key words:
- Food habits /
- Mental health /
- Sub-health /
- Regression analysis /
- Adolescent
表 1 不同性别青少年各种饮食行为频率分布比较
Table 1. Comparison of the frequency distribution of various dietary behaviors among adolescents of different genders
性别 人数 早餐 零食 碳酸饮料 基本都吃 偶尔吃 几乎不吃 基本都吃 偶尔吃 几乎不吃 基本都喝 偶尔喝 几乎不喝 男 8 344 6 361(76.2) 1 498(18.0) 485(5.8) 1 687(20.2) 4 776(57.2) 1 881(22.5) 1 582(19.0) 4 538(54.4) 2 224(26.7) 女 8 201 6 493(79.2) 1 280(15.6) 428(5.2) 2 346(28.6) 4 770(58.2) 1 085(13.2) 1 031(12.6) 4 218(51.4) 2 952(36.0) χ2值 20.79 320.10 229.06 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 性别 人数 蔬菜 鱼肉 牛奶、乳制品 基本都吃 偶尔吃 几乎不吃 基本都吃 偶尔吃 几乎不吃 基本都喝 偶尔喝 几乎不喝 男 8 344 6 543(78.4) 1 619(19.4) 182(2.2) 4 374(52.4) 2 883(34.6) 1 087(13.0) 4 937(59.2) 2 867(34.4) 540(6.5) 女 8 201 6 425(78.3) 1 597(19.5) 179(2.2) 3 539(43.2) 3 510(42.8) 1 152(14.0) 4 503(54.9) 3 071(37.4) 627(7.6) χ2值 0.01 150.27 32.21 P值 > 0.05 < 0.01 < 0.01 注: ()内数字为构成比/%。 表 2 不同性别青少年心理亚健康检出率比较
Table 2. Comparison of detection rates ofmental sub-health among adolescents of different genders
性别 人数 心理亚健康 情绪亚健康 品行亚健康 社会适应亚健康 心理亚健康症状 心理亚健康状态 男 8 344 2 545(30.5) 1 729(20.7) 2 158(25.9) 2 166(26.0) 1 435(17.2) 女 8 201 2 701(32.9) 1 525(18.6) 2 061(25.1) 1 976(24.1) 1 215(14.8) χ2值 17.32 1.17 7.66 17.46 P值 < 0.01 > 0.05 < 0.01 < 0.01 注: ()内数字为检出率/%。 表 3 青少年不同饮食行为组间心理亚健康检出率比较
Table 3. Comparison of the prevalence of mental sub-health among different dietary behavior groups of adolescents
饮食行为 选项 人数 统计值 心理亚健康状态 情绪亚健康 品行亚健康 社会适应亚健康 早餐 基本都吃 12 854 2 364(18.4) 3 119(24.3) 3 049(23.7) 1 901(14.8) 偶尔吃 2 778 616(22.2) 783(28.2) 772(27.8) 503(18.1) 几乎不吃 913 274(30.0) 317(34.7) 321(35.2) 246(26.9) χ2值 98.47 61.73 72.93 104.47 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 零食 基本都吃 4 033 981(24.3) 1 241(30.8) 1 201(29.8) 791(19.6) 偶尔吃 9 546 1 688(17.7) 2 230(23.4) 2 212(23.2) 1 369(14.3) 几乎不吃 2 966 585(19.7) 748(25.2) 729(24.6) 490(16.5) χ2值 98.89 82.11 66.35 59.27 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 碳酸饮料 基本都喝 2 613 671(25.7) 820(31.4) 797(30.5) 543(20.8) 偶尔喝 8 756 1 600(18.3) 2 118(24.2) 2 081(23.8) 1 289(14.7) 几乎不喝 5 176 983(19.0) 1 281(24.7) 1 264(24.4) 818(15.8) χ2值 76.19 57.04 50.15 55.18 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 蔬菜 基本都吃 12 968 2 348(18.1) 3 093(23.9) 3 038(23.4) 1 875(14.5) 偶尔吃 3 216 773(24.0) 972(30.2) 955(29.7) 661(20.6) 几乎不吃 361 133(36.8) 154(42.7) 149(41.3) 114(31.6) χ2值 153.72 112.29 105.81 137.61 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 鱼肉 基本都吃 7 913 1 495(18.9) 1 945(24.6) 1 938(24.5) 1 196(15.1) 偶尔吃 6 393 1 213(19.0) 1 583(24.8) 1 565(24.5) 1 000(15.6) 几乎不吃 2 239 546(24.4) 691(30.9) 639(28.5) 454(20.3) χ2值 61.20 39.25 16.95 35.67 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 牛奶、乳制品 基本都喝 9 440 1 842(19.5) 2 394(25.4) 2 369(25.1) 1 463(15.5) 偶尔喝 5 938 1 104(18.6) 1 441(24.3) 1 418(23.9) 892(15.0) 几乎不喝 1 167 308(26.4) 384(32.9) 355(30.4) 295(25.3) χ2值 66.65 38.53 22.27 80.68 P值 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 注: ()内数字为检出率/%。 表 4 饮食行为对青少年心理亚健康影响的多因素Logistic回归分析(n=16 545)
Table 4. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis on the influence of dietary behavior on mental sub-health of Chinese adolescents(n=16 545)
自变量 模型1 模型2 OR值(OR值95%CI) P值 OR值(OR值95%CI) P值 早餐 基本都吃 0.61(0.52~0.71) < 0.01 0.60(0.52~0.70) < 0.01 偶尔吃 0.73(0.61~0.86) < 0.01 0.73(0.62~0.87) 0.01 几乎不吃 1.00 1.00 零食 基本都吃 1.23(1.09~1.39) < 0.01 1.23(1.08~1.40) < 0.01 偶尔吃 0.91(0.82~1.01) 0.08 0.92(0.82~1.03) 0.14 几乎不吃 1.00 1.00 碳酸饮料 基本都喝 1.27(1.12~1.43) < 0.01 1.29(1.14~1.46) < 0.01 偶尔喝 0.95(0.87~1.04) 0.27 0.96(0.88~1.06) 0.42 几乎不喝 1.00 1.00 蔬菜 基本都吃 0.48(0.38~0.60) 0.01 0.50(0.39~0.62) < 0.01 偶尔吃 0.64(0.51~0.81) < 0.01 0.65(0.52~0.83) < 0.01 几乎不吃 1.00 1.00 鱼肉 基本都吃 0.76(0.67~0.85) < 0.01 0.74(0.66~0.84) < 0.01 偶尔吃 0.78(0.69~0.87) < 0.01 0.77(0.68~0.86) < 0.01 几乎不吃 1.00 1.00 牛奶、乳制品 基本都喝 0.78(0.67~0.90) < 0.01 0.73(0.63~0.85) < 0.01 偶尔喝 0.70(0.60~0.81) < 0.01 0.69(0.59~0.80) < 0.01 几乎不喝 1.00 1.00 -
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