Analysis of the relationshiop and mediating factors between sleep quality and emotional regulation difficulties in millde school students
目的 探索睡眠质量与中学生情绪调节困难的关系,并分析日间功能障碍、社会排斥和自我控制能力的中介作用机制, 为改善中学心理健康提供科学依据。 方法 2023年10—11月通过方便整群随机抽样方式在蚌埠市抽取4所学校806初、高中名中学生为研究对象,采用了匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)、青少年社会排斥量表、自我控制量表简明版和简版情绪调节困难量表(DERS-16)进行评估。使用PROCESS程序中的模型6和5 000 Bootstraps进行链式中介模型分析。 结果 日间功能障碍与睡眠质量(r=0.57)、社会排斥(r=0.19)、自我控制(r=0.29)均呈正相关,自我控制与情绪调节困难呈正相关(r=0.54)(P值均<0.01)。不良睡眠质量正向影响日间功能障碍,日间功能障碍进而影响社会排斥、自我控制能力和情绪调节困难(β值分别为0.86, 0.60,1.27,1.56,P值均<0.01)。日间功能障碍、社会排斥和自我控制在睡眠质量与情绪调节困难之间起到链式中介作用(估计值=0.11,95%CI=0.04~0.20,P<0.05)。 结论 睡眠质量与中学生情绪调节困难之间具有复杂关系,可为青少年睡眠改善和心理健康干预提供新的参考依据。 Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship of sleep quality and emotional regulation difficulties in middle school students, and to analyze its mediating role of daytime dysfunction, social rejection and self-control ability, so as to provide a scientific reference for improving middle school students' mental health. Methods From October to November, 2023, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Adolescent Social Rejection Questionnaire, Brief Self-control Scale and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scaleshort Form (DERS-16) were used to assess 806 students recruited from four middle schools in Bengbu City by a convenient cluster random sampling method. And model-6 of PROCESS and 5 000 Bootstraps were used to make a chain-mediating model analysis. Results Daytime dysfunction was positively correlated with sleep quality(r=0.57), social rejection(r=0.19), self-control(r=0.29, P < 0.01). Self-control was positively correlated with emotional regulation difficulties(r=0.54, P < 0.01).Poor sleep quality showed a significant positive association with on daytime dysfunction, and daytime dysfunction further affected social rejection, self-control ability and emotional regulation difficulties (β=0.86, 0.60, 1.27, 1.56, P < 0.05). Meanwhile, daytime dysfunction, social rejection and self-control played a serial mediating role in the relationship between sleep quality and emotional regulation difficulties (Estimate=0.11, 95%CI=0.04-0.20, P < 0.05). Conclusion The study reveals the complex relationship between sleep quality and emotional regulation difficulties in middle school students and provides a new theoretical basis for adolescent sleep improvement and mental health interventions. -
Key words:
- Sleep /
- Emotiors /
- Mental health /
- Students
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 中学生睡眠质量、情绪调节、日间功能障碍、社会排斥和自我控制的相关性分析(r值,n=806)
Table 1. Correlation analysis of sleep quality, emotional regulation difficulties, daytime dysfunction, social rejection, and self-control in middle school students(r, n=806)
变量 性别 年级 是否熬夜 睡眠质量 日间功能障碍 社会排斥 自我控制 年级 0.06 是否熬夜 0.11** 0.51** 睡眠质量 0.02 0.27** 0.51** 日间功能障碍 0.14** 0.42** 0.53** 0.57** 社会排斥 -0.03 -0.06 0.13** 0.19** 0.19** 自我控制 0.17** 0.19** 0.26** 0.29** 0.43** 0.31** 情绪调节困难 0.16** 0.09** 0.27** 0.30** 0.42** 0.33** 0.54** 注: ** P < 0.01。 表 2 日间功能障碍、社会排斥、自我控制在中学生睡眠质量对情绪调节困难间的中介效应检验结果(n=806)
Table 2. Results of chained mediation effect tests of daytime dysfunction, social rejection, and self-control in the relationship between sleep quality and emotional regulation difficulties in middle school students(n=806)
模型 估计值(95%CI) 标准差 Z值 睡眠质量→日间功能障碍→情绪调节困难 1.34(0.81~1.93)* 0.28 4.71 睡眠质量→社会排斥→情绪调节困难 0.23(0.02~0.49)* 0.13 1.84 睡眠质量→自我控制→情绪调节困难 0.35(-0.15~0.85) 0.26 1.36 睡眠质量→日间功能障碍→社会排斥→情绪调节困难 0.17(0.06~0.31)* 0.07 2.51 睡眠质量→日间功能障碍→自我控制→情绪调节困难 0.81(0.54~1.11)* 0.15 5.48 睡眠质量→社会排斥→自我控制→情绪调节困难 0.15(0.01~0.31)* 0.08 1.93 睡眠质量→日间功能障碍→社会排斥→自我控制→情绪调节困难 0.11(0.04~0.20)* 0.04 2.80 直接效应 0.69(-0.42~1.89) 0.59 1.17 总效应 3.85(2.64~5.13)* -0.63 6.12 注: * P < 0.05。 -
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