Status of scoliosis and the related factors among 12-year-old school students from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2021
目的 了解内蒙古地区12岁学生脊柱侧弯现状及相关因素,为精准开展青少年脊柱弯曲异常防控提供科学依据。 方法 于2021年10—11月,采用分层随机整群抽样方法,以内蒙古自治区18 399名12岁学生为研究对象,开展脊柱弯曲异常筛查与影响因素问卷调查。采用χ2检验进行单因素分析,采用二元Logistic回归模型进行多因素分析。 结果 共检出脊柱弯曲异常学生397例(2.2%),其中脊柱侧弯368例(2.0%)。腰胸椎段侧弯检出205例,检出率为1.1%;胸椎段、腰胸椎段侧弯分别检出173,141例,检出率分别为0.9%,0.8%。二元Logistic回归分析显示,城区、经济片区中的中片、小学前参加文化类补习班、班级座位从不定时调换与12岁学生脊柱侧弯发生呈正相关(OR值分别为1.95,1.67,1.76,1.71,P值均<0.05);肥胖、平均每周上3或4节体育课,小学前参加过体美类兴趣班与12岁学生脊柱侧弯的发生均呈负相关(OR值分别为0.69,0.31,0.36,0.71,P值均<0.05)。 结论 内蒙古自治区12岁学生脊柱侧弯不容乐观,应重视12岁前学生脊柱侧弯防控,积极预防侧弯发生和进展。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation and influencing factors of scoliosis in 12-year-old students from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, so as to provide scientific basis for accurate prevention and control of abnormal spinal curvature. Methods From October to November 2021, a total of 18 399 students aged 12 were selected by region and school level by stratified random cluster sampling method, and spinal curvature screening and questionnaire survey of common diseases and health influencing factors among students were carried out. Chi-squared test was used for single factor analysis, and binary Logistic regression model was used for multi factor analysis. Results A total of 397 students (2.2%) were detected with abnormal curvature of the spine, including 368 students (2.0%) with scoliosis. Among them, 205 cases were in the lumbar thoracic segment with a detection rate of 1.1%, 173 cases were in the thoracic segment with a detection rate of 0.9%, and 141 cases were in lumbar thoracic segment with a detection rate of 0.8%. Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that urban area, economic area(moderate), attending tutorial classes before primary school and class seats never changed regularly were positively correlated with the occurrence of scoliosis among 12 year old students (OR=1.95, 1.67, 1.76, 1.71, P < 0.05). Obesity, attending an average of 3 or 4 physical education classes per week, attending physical fitness and beauty classes before primary school were negatively correlated with the occurrence of scoliosis among 12 year old students (OR=0.69, 0.31, 0.36, 0.71, P < 0.05). Conclusion The prevalence of scoliosis among 12-year-old students in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is not optimistic. It should pay attention to the prevention and control of scoliosis in students before the age of 12, actively prevent the occurrence and progress of scoliosis. -
Key words:
- Scoliosis /
- Prevalence /
- Regression analysis /
- Students /
- Minority groups
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 不同组别内蒙古12岁学生脊柱侧弯检出率比较
Table 1. Comparison of detection rate of scoliosis for 12-year-old students among different groups in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
组别 选项 人数 脊柱侧弯人数 χ2值 P值 性别 男 9 303 168(1.8) 3.62 0.06 女 9 096 200(2.2) 民族 汉族 12 393 264(2.1) 3.28 0.07 蒙古族及其他 6 006 104(1.7) 监测点 城区 4 322 144(3.3) 51.11 <0.01 郊县 14 077 224(1.6) 经济片区 好 4 739 102(2.2) 9.98 0.01 中 8 252 185(2.2) 差 5 408 81(1.5) 身高 非矮小 16 641 316(1.9) 9.10 <0.01 矮小 1 758 52(3.0) 超重 是 7 630 135(1.8) 3.54 0.06 否 10 769 233(2.2) 肥胖 是 4 333 66(1.5) 6.58 0.01 否 14 066 302(2.1) 过去7 d每日含糖饮料 从来不喝 7 441 150(2.0) 0.16 0.92 饮用频率/次* <1 10 248 203(2.0) ≥1 684 15(2.2) 过去7 d每日油炸食品 从来不吃 7 123 145(2.0) 1.84 0.40 摄入频率/次* <1 10 724 216(2.0) ≥1 511 6(1.2) 过去7 d吃早餐情况* 每天吃 13 906 267(1.9) 1.36 0.51 有时吃 3 904 82(2.1) 从来不吃 558 14(2.5) 过去7 d每日早餐含 是 12 146 223(1.8) 4.14 0.04 奶类* 否 6 233 142(2.3) 过去7 d每天≥60 min 0 1 961 41(2.1) 4.17 0.76 中高强度运动天数* 1 1 948 44(2.3) 2 2 601 48(1.8) 3 2 610 51(2.0) 4 1 959 39(2.0) 5 2 948 50(1.7) 6 969 25(2.6) 7 3 359 68(2.0) 周末或节假日每天 都能做到 3 840 65(1.7) 2.80 0.59 ≥60 min中高强 多数能做到 5 051 108(2.1) 度运动* 能做到一半 3 057 62(2.0) 少数能做到 4 840 98(2.0) 几乎做不到 1 567 35(2.2) 平均每周上体育课 0 134 7(5.2) 27.76 <0.01 节数* 1 549 7(1.3) 2 2 557 81(3.2) 3 3 984 72(1.8) 4 6 840 119(1.7) ≥5 4 289 81(1.9) 班级座位是否左右 是 14 413 274(1.9) 3.36 0.07 轮转* 否 3 936 93(2.4) 定时调换班级座位* 从不 1 193 37(3.1) 7.80 0.02 1个月或1学期一次 2 460 47(1.9) 每周或2周一次 14 693 284(1.9) 根据身高调整课桌椅 是 7 952 134(1.7) 7.10 0.01 高度* 否 10 399 233(2.2) 小学前参加文化类补 是 4 186 119(2.8) 18.16 <0.01 习班* 否 5 289 83(1.6) 小学前参加体美类兴 是 5 304 95(1.8) 6.71 0.01 趣班* 否 4 171 107(2.6) 注:()内数字为检出率/%;*数据有缺失。 表 2 内蒙古12岁学生脊柱侧弯影响因素的Logistic回归分析(n=18 399)
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of influencing factors of scoliosis for 12-year-old students in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(n=18 399)
自变量 选项 β值 标准误 Wald χ2值 P值 OR值(95%CI) 监测点 城区 0.67 0.15 19.28 <0.01 1.95(1.45~2.64) 经济片区 好 0.35 0.21 2.79 0.10 1.41(0.94~2.12) 中 0.51 0.19 7.56 <0.01 1.67(1.16~2.40) 身高 矮小 0.29 0.21 1.88 0.17 1.34(0.88~2.04) 肥胖 是 -0.37 0.18 4.06 0.04 0.69(0.49~0.99) 过去7 d每天早餐含奶类 否 0.22 0.15 2.07 0.15 1.24(0.92~1.67) 平均每周上体育课节数 1 -1.15 0.65 3.14 0.08 0.32(0.09~1.13) 2 -0.49 0.49 0.99 0.32 0.62(0.24~1.61) 3 -1.19 0.50 5.62 0.02 0.31(0.12~0.81) 4 -1.03 0.48 4.53 0.03 0.36(0.14~0.92) ≥5 -0.95 0.50 3.68 0.06 0.39(0.15~1.02) 定时调换班级座位 从不 0.54 0.23 5.31 0.02 1.71(1.08~2.70) 1个月或1学期一次 -0.13 0.23 0.34 0.56 0.88(0.56~1.37) 根据身高调整课桌椅高度 是 -0.18 0.15 1.40 0.24 0.83(0.62~1.13) 小学前参加文化类补习班 是 0.56 0.15 14.72 <0.01 1.76(1.32~2.35) 小学前参加体美类兴趣班 是 -0.34 0.15 5.44 0.02 0.71(0.54~0.95) -
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