An experimental study of physical intelligence teaching on sensory integration function of 4-5-year-old children
目的 了解体智能教学对儿童感觉统合功能的影响,为促进儿童感觉统合系统的发展提供参考。 方法 于2023年2—5月,对石家庄市某幼儿园136名4~5岁儿童进行12周的干预研究,其中干预组和对照组各68名。干预组实施情景化、游戏式体智能教学,对照组按照幼儿园原有的课程目标实施体育游戏教学;每周干预3次,每次40 min。干预前后分别对两组进行感觉统合系统能力评估。采用χ2检验和t检验进行统计学分析。 结果 干预前后比较,干预组男、女童前庭觉、本体觉、触觉均有提高(男:44.14±11.52 vs. 53.34±9.49,44.57±12.76 vs. 50.54±11.86,49.31±12.18 vs. 55.00±10.24;女:46.00±11.01 vs. 54.58±10.06,48.79±13.17 vs. 53.64±11.97,52.67±11.67 vs. 56.91±10.42;t值分别为-3.24,-2.49,-2.09;-5.24,-12.94,-2.56,P值均<0.05);对照组男、女童前庭觉差异无统计学意义(男:45.91±11.66 vs. 46.31±11.20,女:48.27±13.56 vs. 48.45±13.54;t值分别为-0.87,-0.07,P值均>0.05),本体觉、触觉均有提高(男:46.63±11.76 vs. 48.06±11.69,51.63±11.98 vs. 52.40±12.18,女:50.45±12.16 vs. 51.67±12.03,53.36±12.48 vs. 54.39±12.57,t值分别为-3.36,-2.08;-4.66,-2.86,P值均<0.05)。干预后,干预组与对照组比较,男、女童前庭觉得分差异有统计学意义(t值分别为2.83,2.08,P值均<0.05),本体觉、触觉得分差异均无统计学意义(t值分别为0.88,0.67;0.97,0.88,P值均>0.05)。干预组男童干预前后比较,正常人数从12人增加至24人,失调人数由23人降至11人,差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.53,P<0.01);对照组男童干预前后感觉统合发展水平差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.10,P>0.05)。干预组女童干预前后比较,正常人数从15人增加至27人,失调人数由18人降至6人,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.39,P<0.05);对照组女童干预前后比较,感觉统合发展水平差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.08,P>0.05)。 结论 体智能教学可以有效提升儿童的感觉统合能力,尤其是对前庭觉功能的提高更为有效。 Abstract:Objective To examine the impact of physical intelligence teaching on the function of children's sensory integration, so as to provide reference for promoting the development of sensory integration system. Methods From February to May 2023, the intervention was implemented for 12 weeks among 136 children aged 4-5 (68 in the intervention group and 68 in the control group). The intervention group received situational and game based physical intelligence teaching, the control group received sports game teaching according to the original curriculum objectives of the kindergarten. Intervention was administered 3 times a week for 40 minutes each time. The sensory integration ability of the intervention group and the control group were evaluated before and after the intervention with Chi-square test and t-test. Results The vestibular sensation, proprioception and tactile sensation of between boys and girls in the intervention group were significantly improved compared with before intervention (boys: 44.14±11.52 vs. 53.34±9.49, 44.57±12.76 vs. 50.54±11.86, 49.31±12.18 vs. 55.00±10.24, girls: 46.00±11.01 vs. 54.58±10.06, 48.79±13.17 vs. 53.64±11.97, 52.67±11.67 vs. 56.91±10.42, t=-3.24, -2.49, -2.09, -5.24, -12.94, -2.56, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in vestibular sensation between boys and girls in the control group (boys: 45.91±11.66 vs. 46.31±11.20, girls: 48.27±13.56 vs. 48.45±13.54, t=-0.87, -0.07, P>0.05), but there was a significant improvement in proprioception and tactile sensation in both boys and girls (boys: 46.63±11.76 vs. 48.06±11.69, 51.63±11.98 vs. 52.40±12.18, girls: 50.45±12.16 vs. 51.67±12.03, 53.36±12.48 vs. 54.39±12.57, t=-3.36, -2.08, -4.66, -2.86, P < 0.05). After the intervention, compared with the control group, the vestibular sensation of both boys and girls significantly improved (t=2.83, 2.08, P < 0.05), with exception of proprioception and tactile sensation (t=0.88, 0.67, 0.97, 0.88, P>0.05). In the experimental group, the number of normal boys increased from 12 to 24, while the number of dysfunctional boys decreased from 23 to 11, with a statistically significant difference (χ2=11.53, P < 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in sensory integration in boys of the control group before and after the experiment (χ2=1.10, P>0.05). After intervention, the number of normal girls in the experimental group increased from 15 to 27, while the number of dysfunctional girls decreased from 18 to 6, with a statistically significant difference (χ2=10.39, P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in sensory integration in girls from the control group before and after the experiment (χ2=2.08, P>0.05). Conclusion Physical intelligence teaching can effectively improve children's sensory integration ability, especially for vestibular function. -
Key words:
- Health promotion /
- Intervention studies /
- Sensation /
- Child, preschool
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 干预前后干预组和对照组男、女童感觉统合能力评分比较(x±s)
Table 1. Comparison of sensory processing ability scores between the boys and girls of intervention and control class before and after the intervention(x±s)
组别 干预前后 统计值 男童(n=35) 女童(n=33) 前庭觉 本体觉 触觉 前庭觉 本体觉 触觉 干预组 干预前 44.14±11.52 44.57±12.76 49.31±12.18 46.00±11.01 48.79±13.17 52.67±11.67 干预后 53.34±9.49 50.54±11.86 55.00±10.24 54.58±10.06 53.64±11.97 56.91±10.42 t值 -3.24 -2.49 -2.09 -5.24 -12.94 -2.56 P值 < 0.01 0.02 0.04 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 对照组 干预前 45.91±11.66 46.63±11.76 51.63±11.98 48.27±13.56 50.45±12.16 53.36±12.48 干预后 46.31±11.20 48.06±11.69 52.40±12.18 48.45±13.54 51.67±12.03 54.39±12.57 t值 -0.87 -3.36 -2.08 -0.07 -4.66 -2.86 P值 0.39 < 0.01 0.05 0.95 < 0.01 0.01 表 2 干预前后干预组和对照组男、女童感觉统合发展水平
Table 2. The sensory processing development level between the boys and girls of intervention and control class before and after the intervention
组别 干预前后 男童(n=35) 女童(n=33) 正常 轻度失调 中度失调 重度失调 正常 轻度失调 中度失调 重度失调 干预组 干预前 12(34.3) 11(31.4) 10(28.6) 2(5.7) 15(45.5) 13(39.4) 3(9.1) 2(6.1) 干预后 24(68.6) 9(25.7) 2(5.7) 0 27(81.8) 4(12.1) 2(6.1) 0 对照组 干预前 16(45.7) 10(28.6) 6(17.1) 3(8.6) 15(45.5) 10(30.3) 6(18.2) 2(6.1) 干预后 20(57.1) 9(25.7) 4(11.4) 2(5.7) 16(48.5) 11(33.3) 6(18.2) 0 注:()内数字为构成比/%。 -
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