Investigation of the prevalence of deciduous teeth caries and its correlation with nutritional status among kindergarten children in Zhag'yab of Tibet in 2022
目的 了解西藏察雅县幼儿园藏族儿童的口腔健康状况及乳牙龋病对营养状况的影响,为当地儿童龋病防治工作提供参考依据。 方法 2022年6—7月采用横断面调查方法,对西藏察雅县13个乡镇所有3~7岁幼儿园藏族儿童1 263名进行口腔检查以及身高、体重测量和血红蛋白检测。依据WHO龋病、营养不良及贫血诊断标准,评价儿童乳牙健康情况,探讨乳牙龋病与营养状况的相关性。 结果 察雅县幼儿园藏族儿童乳牙患龋率为62.6%,龋均(4.0±4.6)。3,4,5,6,7岁儿童乳牙患龋率分别为31.1%,55.3%,63.8%,70.9%,76.6%,龋均分别为(1.1±2.0)(2.9±3.4)(3.5±3.3)(5.4±5.4)(5.9±6.6),年龄间差异均有统计学意义(χ2/F值分别为72.17,33.47,P值均 < 0.05)。有龋儿童营养不良总体检出率(25.4%)、生长迟缓率(12.3%)、低体重率(12.6%)、消瘦率(10.9%)及贫血率(29.6%)均高于无龋儿童(19.5%,8.1%,6.1%,6.6%,15.5%),差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为5.81,5.49,13.61,6.52,32.02,P值均 < 0.05),有龋儿童超重率(3.7%)高于无龋儿童(3.4%),肥胖率(1.3%)低于无龋儿童(1.9%),差异均无统计学意义(χ2值分别为0.07,0.82,P值均>0.05)。 结论 察雅县幼儿园儿童乳牙龋病问题较为严重,且与营养不良及贫血的发生密切相关。应加强对当地儿童龋病的预防和干预。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the health of deciduous teeth and the effect of deciduous teeth caries on the nutritional status of Tibetan children in kindergartens in Zhag'yab of Tibet, so as to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of dental caries in local children. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among all Tibetan children aged 3 to 7 years in kindergartens from 13 districts in Zhag'yab of Tibet, a total of 1 263 eligible children were included. Oral examination, height, weight measurement and hemoglobin test were performed. The health status of children was evaluated according to WHO diagnostic criteria of dental caries rate, average of decayed-missing-filled tooth(DMFT), malnutrition and anemia, and the correlation between deciduous teeth caries and nutritional status of children were analyzed. Results The overall deciduous teeth caries prevalence rate of Tibetan children in Zhag'yab kindergarten was 62.6%, and the mean dmft was (4.0±4.6). Aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-year-old children's deciduous teeth caries rate were 31.1%, 55.3%, 63.8%, 70.9%, 76.6%, respectively, mean dmft were (1.1±2.0) (2.9±3.4) (3.5±3.3) (5.4±5.4) (5.9±6.6) respectively. The prevalence of deciduous teeth caries and mean dmft increased with age, and the differences among age groups were statistically significant (χ2/F=72.17, 33.47, P < 0.05). The overall detection rate of malnutrition(25.4%), stunting(12.3%), underweight(12.6%), wasting(10.9%) and anemia(29.6%) in caries children were higher than those in children without caries(19.5%, 8.1%, 6.1%, 6.6%, 15.5%), the differences were statistically significant (χ2=5.81, 5.49, 13.61, 6.52, 32.02, P < 0.05). Caries children's overweight rate (3.7%) was higher than that of children without caries (3.4%), obesity rate (1.3%) was lower than that of children without caries(1.9%), there was no statistically significant difference (χ2=0.07, 0.82, P>0.05). Conclusion The problem of deciduous teeth caries in kindergartens in Zhag'yab is serious, and it is closely related to the occurrence of malnutrition and anemia. The prevention and intervention of dental caries in local children should be strengthened. -
Key words:
- Dental caries /
- Nutritional status /
- Analysis of variance /
- Child, preschool /
- Minority groups
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 察雅县不同人口统计学特征幼儿园藏族儿童乳牙患龋率比较
Table 1. Comparison of caries prevalence of primary teeth among Tibetan children with different demographics characteristics in kindergartens in Zhag' yab County
人口统计学指标 人数 患龋人数 χ2值 P值 年龄/岁 3 103 32(31.1) 72.17 < 0.01 4 293 162(55.3) 5 337 215(63.8) 6 423 300(70.9) 7 107 82(76.6) 性别 男 720 445(61.8) 0.49 0.49 女 543 346(63.7) 地区 城市 443 269(60.7) 1.06 0.30 农村 820 522(63.7) 注:()内数字为患龋率/%。 表 2 察雅县不同人口统计学特征幼儿园藏族儿童乳牙龋均比较(x±s)
Table 2. Comparison of caries prevalence in deciduous teeth among Tibetan children with different demographics characteristics in kindergartens in Zhag' yab County(x±s)
人口统计学指标 人数 龋均 t/F值 P值 年龄/岁 3 103 1.1±2.0 33.47 < 0.01 4 293 2.9±3.4 5 337 3.5±3.3 6 423 5.4±5.4 7 107 5.9±6.6 性别 男 720 3.8±4.4 1.79 0.07 女 543 4.3±4.9 地区 城市 443 3.9±4.2 0.59 0.56 农村 820 4.1±4.8 表 3 察雅县幼儿园乳牙有无患龋儿童营养评价指标及血红蛋白水平比较(x±s)
Table 3. Comparison of nutrition evaluation indexes and hemoglobin levels in children with and without deciduous teeth caries in Zhag' yab County(x±s)
有无患龋 人数 WAZ HAZ BAZ WHZ Hb/(g·L-1) 有 791 -0.5±1.5 -0.4±1.4 -0.3±1.6 0.0±1.8 135.6±13.7 无 472 -0.2±1.3 -0.3±1.3 0.0±1.6 0.1±1.5 137.1±12.3 合计 1 263 -0.4±1.4 -0.3±1.3 -0.2±1.6 0.0±1.6 136.2±13.2 t值 3.48 1.59 3.13 0.28 1.99 P值 < 0.01 0.11 < 0.01 0.78 0.05 表 4 察雅县乳牙有无患龋儿童营养不良及贫血检出率比较
Table 4. Comparison of nutritional status and anemia of children with and without deciduous teeth caries in Zhag' yab County
有无患龋 人数 生长迟缓 低体重 消瘦 超重 肥胖 营养不良 贫血 有 791 97(12.3) 100(12.6) 86(10.9) 29(3.7) 10(1.3) 201(25.4) 234(29.6) 无 472 38(8.1) 29(6.1) 31(6.6) 16(3.4) 9(1.9) 92(19.5) 73(15.5) 合计 1 263 135(10.7) 129(10.2) 117(9.3) 45(3.6) 19(1.5) 293(23.2) 309(24.5) χ2值 5.49 13.61 6.52 0.07 0.82 5.81 32.02 P值 0.02 < 0.01 0.01 0.80 0.36 0.02 < 0.01 注: ()内数字为检出率/%。 -
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