Relationship between adolescent depressive symptoms with childhood psychological trauma and maternal pregnancy
目的 探讨青少年抑郁情绪与童年心理创伤及母亲妊娠期疾病的关系, 旨在为制定青少年心理健康发展规划提供科学依据。 方法 2022年1—7月, 采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取武汉市2 092名中小学生, 以问卷调查的形式了解青少年抑郁情绪、童年心理创伤、母亲妊娠期疾病情况, 并分析影响青少年抑郁情绪的因素。 结果 出现抑郁情绪的青少年139名(6.64%)。抑郁组童年期创伤问卷(CTQ)评分为(57.49±6.85)分, 未抑郁组为(46.28±5.96)分, 差异有统计学意义(t=21.14, P < 0.05), 母亲妊娠期高血压、糖尿病、胆汁淤积症、甲状腺功能减退/亢进、贫血、病毒性肝炎发生率分别为11.51%, 9.35%, 7.19%, 7.91%, 9.35%, 3.60%;未抑郁组分别为5.79%, 4.71%, 3.64%, 3.07%, 4.30%, 1.18%, 差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为7.35, 5.87, 4.42, 9.28, 7.49, 5.75, P值均 < 0.05)。青少年抑郁情绪报告率在不同学习压力程度间差异有统计学意义(χ2=16.04, P < 0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示, 母亲妊娠期高血压(OR=5.04, 95%CI=2.07~12.24)、糖尿病(OR=4.49, 95%CI=1.85~10.91)、甲状腺功能减退/亢进(OR=4.01, 95%CI=1.65~9.74)、贫血(OR=3.68, 95%CI=1.51~8.94), 青少年学习压力大(OR=3.52, 95%CI=1.45~8.56)、CTQ评分(OR=4.63, 95%CI=1.91~11.26)与青少年抑郁情绪呈正相关(P值均 < 0.05)。 结论 青少年抑郁情绪可能与学习压力大、童年心理创伤及母亲妊娠期高血压、糖尿病、甲状腺功能异常、贫血有关。相关部门应针对以上因素采取相关措施, 降低青少年抑郁发生风险。 Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between adolescent depressive symptoms, childhood psychological trauma and maternal illness during pregnancy, so as to provide scientific busis for the development of adolescent mental health. Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was employed to select 2 092 primary and secondary school students in Wuhan City from January to July 2022. Questionnaires were administered to investigate adolescent depressive symptoms, childhood psychological trauma, and maternal illness during pregnancy. The influencing factors of adolescent depression were analyzed. Results A total of 139 adolescents reported depressive symptoms. The childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) score of the depression group was (57.49±6.85), and the score in adolescents without depression group was (46.28±5.96)(t=21.14, P < 0.05). Among the maternal diseases during pregnancy, hypertension accounted for 11.51%, diabetes 9.35%, cholestasis 7.19%, hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism 7.91%, anemia 9.35% and viral hepatitis 3.60% in depression group, 5.79%, 4.71%, 3.64%, 3.07%, 4.30%, 1.18% in the group without depression, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=7.35, 5.87, 4.42, 9.28, 7.49, 5.75, P < 0.05). The proportion of academic stress in the depressed group and non-depressed group were 61.15% and 46.34%, respectively, and was statistically significant (χ2=16.04, P < 0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that gestational hypertension (OR=5.04, 95%CI=2.07-12.24), diabetes mellitus (OR=4.49, 95%CI=1.85-10.91), anemia (OR=3.68, 95%CI=1.51-8.94), high academic stress (OR=3.52, 95%CI=1.45-8.56) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (OR=4.63, 95%CI=1.91-11.26) were the risk factors of depression in adolescents (P < 0.05). Conclusion Adolescent depression may be due to high academic stress, childhood psychological trauma, maternal hypertension, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and anemia in pregnancy. It is suggested that relevant departments provide appropriate measures to reduce the risk of adolescent depression. -
Key words:
- Depression /
- Mental health /
- Mothers /
- Pregnancy /
- Disease /
- Regression analysis /
- Adolescent
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 不同抑郁情绪青少年母亲妊娠期疾病发生率比较
Table 1. Comparison of the incidence of pregnancy diseases among adolescent mothers different depressive emotions during pregnancy
组别 人数 高血压 糖尿病 胆汁淤积症 甲状腺功能减退/亢进 贫血 病毒性肝炎 抑郁组 139 16(11.51) 13(9.35) 10(7.19) 11(7.91) 13(9.35) 5(3.60) 未抑郁组 1 953 113(5.79) 92(4.71) 71(3.64) 60(3.07) 84(4.30) 23(1.18) χ2值 7.35 5.87 4.42 9.28 7.49 5.75 P值 0.01 0.02 0.04 <0.01 0.01 0.02 注:()内数字为发生率/%。 表 2 不同组别青少年抑郁情绪报告率比较
Table 2. Comparison of the report rate of depression in different groups of adolescents
组别 选项 人数 抑郁情绪 χ2值 P值 组别 选项 人数 抑郁情绪 χ2值 P值 性别 男 1 075 79(7.35) 1.77 0.18 否 2 047 133(6.50) 女 1 017 60(5.90) 学习情况 好 954 78(8.18) 4.13 0.13 居住地 城镇 1 686 119(7.06) 2.40 0.12 一般 593 29(4.89) 乡村 406 20(4.93) 差 545 32(5.87) 家庭月收入/元 ≥10 000 1 725 123(7.13) 3.75 0.05 学习压力 大 990 85(8.59) 16.04 <0.01 <10 000 367 16(4.36) 一般 513 34(6.63) 独生子女 是 833 51(6.12) 0.61 0.44 无 589 20(3.40) 否 1 259 88(6.99) 父母关系 好 1 530 98(6.41) 0.67 0.71 单亲 是 120 12(10.00) 2.31 0.13 一般 383 29(7.57) 否 1 972 127(6.44) 差 179 12(6.70) 出生方式 阴道分娩 1 114 71(6.37) 0.28 0.60 与家人关系 和睦 1 479 92(6.22) 1.49 0.48 剖宫产 978 68(6.95) 一般 346 27(7.80) 早产 是 178 18(10.11) 3.77 0.05 不和睦 267 20(7.49) 否 1 914 121(6.32) 与周围同伴关系 和睦 1 518 95(6.26) 1.92 0.38 喂养方式 母乳喂养 583 42(7.20) 0.42 0.81 一般 376 31(8.24) 奶源喂养 725 47(6.48) 不和睦 198 13(6.57) 混合喂养 784 50(6.38) 父母对子女期望 期望高 1 426 97(6.80) 5.03 0.08 父亲文化程度 本科及以上 984 61(6.20) 0.59 0.44 顺其自然 432 34(7.87) 专科及以下 1 108 78(7.04) 无 234 8(3.42) 母亲文化程度 本科及以上 1 109 65(5.86) 2.33 0.13 学校类型 普通学校 940 61(6.49) 0.07 0.80 专科及以下 983 74(7.53) 重点学校 1 152 78(6.77) 抑郁家族疾病史 是 45 6(13.33) 3.32 0.07 注:()内数字为报告率/%。 表 3 青少年抑郁情绪的多因素Logistic回归分析(n=2 092)
Table 3. Logistic multivariate regression analysis of influencing adolescent depression(n=2 092)
自变量 β值 标准误 Wald χ2值 OR值(95%CI) P值 妊娠期高血压 1.62 0.34 22.49 5.04(2.07~12.24) <0.01 妊娠期糖尿病 1.50 0.32 22.74 4.49(1.85~10.91) <0.01 妊娠期甲状腺功能减退/ 1.39 0.23 35.18 4.01(1.65~9.74) <0.01 亢进 妊娠期贫血 1.30 0.21 38.14 3.68(1.51~8.94) <0.01 学习压力 大 1.26 0.39 10.32 3.52(1.45~8.56) <0.01 一般 0.29 0.32 0.78 1.33(0.74~2.16) 0.29 CTQ评分 1.53 0.29 27.75 4.63(1.91~11.26) <0.01 -
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