Revision of the Chinese version of Multidimensional Bullying Victimization Scale
目的 修订多维霸凌受害量表(MBVS)中文版,并检验其在中国青少年群体中的信度、效度和跨性别测量等值性。 方法 采用方便整群抽样法于2021年4—5月选取贵州省2 279名中小学生;4~6周后选取1 512人重测,获得有效人数1 500名。以奥尔维斯霸凌量表受害者分量表(OBVQ-V)和流调中心抑郁量表(CES-D)为效标工具,检验其效标关联效度。 结果 探索性因子分析提取出4个因子,累计方差解释率58.34%。验证性因子分析支持4因子模型假设(χ2/df=8.64,CFI=0.93,TLI=0.92,RMSEA=0.06),4个维度分别为直接霸凌、间接霸凌、评价霸凌和关系霸凌。MBVS与OBVQ-V、CES-D的相关系数分别为0.59,0.32。量表的内部一致性信度系数为0.92,重测信度0.72;量表的跨性别等值假设成立。 结论 MBVS中文版具有良好的信度、效度和跨性别等值性,可作为中国青少年群体霸凌受害状况的测量工具。 Abstract:Objective The Chinese version of the Multidimensional Bullying Victimization Scale (MBVS) was revised, and its reliability, validity and cross-gender equivalence were tested in Chinese adolescents. Methods A total of 2 279 adolescents were investigated by using convenient cluster sampling method from April to May 2021, 1 500 adolescents were followed to complete the retest of Chinese version of MBVS after 4-6 weeks. Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire-Victim (OBVQ-V) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) were used as the criterion-related validity instrument. Results Exploratory factor analysis extracted 4 factors with a cumulative variance interpretation rate of 58.34%. Results of CFA supports the hypothesis of 4-factor model(χ2/df=8.64, CFI=0.93, TLI=0.92, RMSEA=0.06), and the 4 dimensions included direct bullying, indirect bullying, evaluative bullying and relationship bullying. The correlation coefficient between MBVS and OBVQ-V was 0.59, between MBVS and CES-D was 0.32. The internal consistency reliability was 0.92 and the test-retest reliability was 0.72. The cross-gender equivalence hypothesis of the scale was valid. Conclusion The Chinese version of MBVS has good reliability and validity, as well as gender equivalence and could be recommended for adolescent bullying screening. -
Key words:
- Violence /
- Mental health /
- Questionnaires /
- Students
1) 利益冲突声明 所有作者声明无利益冲突。 -
表 1 MBVS中文版探索性因子分析结果(n=1 140)
Table 1. Exploratory factor analysis results of MBVS-Chinese Version(n=1 140)
因子 项目 载荷 因子 项目 载荷 1 U2 0.74 U16 0.55 U3 0.70 U17 0.73 U4 0.69 U18 0.65 U5 0.68 3 U20 0.66 U6 0.72 U21 0.78 U7 0.70 U22 0.61 U8 0.50 U23 0.65 U9 0.60 U24 0.74 U10 0.56 4 U14 0.53 2 U12 0.73 U15 0.81 U13 0.79 U19 0.62 表 2 MBVS中文版性别等值性分析结果(n=1 139)
Table 2. Results of MBVS-Chinese Version's gender invariance analysis(n=1 139)
模型 χ2/df值 CFI值 TLI值 RMSEA值 △CFI值 △TLI值 △RMSEA值 形态等值 4.98 0.93 0.91 0.04 - - - 弱等值 5.10 0.92 0.91 0.04 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 强等值 5.38 0.91 0.90 0.04 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 严格等值 6.78 0.90 0.90 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 -
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